Chapter Nine

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"Is Jeon Jungkook a good kisser?"

"Has he told he's loves you in Korean?"

"Where are you going on your first date?"

It was bedlam.

Polly looked to her brother, eyes wide and terrified as he pushed past the hordes of paparazzi to help her get into her college.

Who knew one little picture could do so much?

Twitter had went into meltdown and soon everyone wanted to know about the "brown haired girl who stole the golden maknae's heart". Thankfully, Polly was a pretty boring person by media standards; she had never got into trouble in school, wasn't a rebellious youth, she was just a normal 22 year old who wanted to be a journalist. And they couldn't find out about her medical history; it was confidential so she was pretty okay with it. What she didn't realise is because they weren't getting any juicy details about her personal life, they decided to be obsessed with how she looked.

It wasn't such a big deal for the western media; she was just a normal brown haired Irish girl; the Americans liked that a lot though because they figured they were all Irish anyway. But the Korean media were obsessed with the fact that a boy from the biggest k-pop band in the world would be dating a westerner. They were fascinated with her very pale skin, her flashing green eyes and the fact she actually had a bosom.

So there she was, Monday morning, cameras flashing in her face as her brother wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders. They finally managed to squeeze into the lobby of the college, both of them out of breath and heaving, hands on knees.

"Jesus. Christ." James gasped out. "How the holy hell am I going to get back to my car? The place is swamped!"

Polly threw her sibling a dirty look. "They don't care about you; it's me they're obsessed with!"

James rolled his eyes. "I'm your brother, of course they care; they want me to tell them all your embarrassing secrets, like for example the fact that you're a fangirl for your own boyfriend and friends."

Polly glared at him. "You say a word and I'll murder you. And he's not my boyfriend. We haven't even went on a date yet. We text on Sunday and said that we would go somewhere on Tuesday. So shut your mouth."

James crossed his arms over his chest. "Polly, we may not always see eye to eye but you know I love you. Do you really think so low of me that I would go out there and talk to reporters about you?"

Polly went over and wrapped her arms around her brother, saw the cameras flashing from outside and resisted rolling her eyes.

"I'm sorry, it's just been a crazy last 48 hours. Of course I know you wouldn't say anything." She smiled at him and he smirked back.

"Only you could get yourself into a situation like this. I'll admit, I didn't believe the picture was real until I saw it for myself. I can't believe BTS are actually here and you're Jungkook's girlfriend!" He laughed and she stomped her foot on the ground like a petulant child.

"For the last time, he's not my boyfriend!"

"Oh, thanks a bunch, Polly."

Her heart dropped and whirling around to the theatre doors, she saw the boys standing there, Jungkook standing in the middle of them, looking clearly not impressed.


Before she could say a word, James shot past her and went over to them.
Eyeing up Jungkook, he narrowed his eyes on the maknae.

"So your the one who wants to fuck my sister."

Oh dear fucking God and Jesus, kill me, KILL ME NOW.

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