Chapter Thirty-One

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If one could ask Polly to write down every ridiculous thing she'd ever done in her life, Polly would be stuck writing a full page novel. If life was a soap opera, she would be the main star. It seemed that even before she met BTS, trouble always found its way to her.

So she isn't that surprised when she found herself standing on the stage, the seven boys now gawking at her in complete astonishment and lights blinding her from the view of the crowd which was roaring now; if you were a fan of BTS and from Belfast, you knew who Polly Stewart was.

Polly was squinting at the boys, glancing shyly at each of them before turning her gaze on the maknae.

He was standing centre stage, his mic which had been in his hand, now dropped on the floor beside him. Polly gulped audibly as her green orbs found his deep brown ones. She could clearly see every emotion flashing through those gorgeous eyes; surprise, exasperation, sadness, anger, hunger, desperation but mostly, mostly of longing.

Yoongi was the first to snap out of the trance Polly had caused and scurried over to her.

"Uh, Pol," he muttered, casting a nervous glance at the crowd and a still-frozen Jungkook, "Not that it's not great to see you, cos it is, but, well, what the fuck are you doing?"

She didn't turn to face him, keeping her eyes fixed on the boy in front of her. "Give me your microphone." She hissed and the rapper gaped at her in disbelief.

"Wha-? No way!"

"I wasn't asking Yoongi, I'm telling you." Polly muttered through gritted teeth.

The black-haired man was about to retort before he saw the flash of fury in Polly's eyes and quickly handed the piece of equipment over.

"Thank you." She smirked slightly, "Now fuck off please."

Yoongi glowered at her and slouched off over to Namjoon.

Breaking eye contact with Jungkook, Polly glanced at the mic in her hands before raising it to her lips.

"Is this thing- oh, good it's on." She turned out towards the crowd, taking a deep breath.

"Hello, everyone, I'm Polly Stewart, I'm really sorry for disrupting the concert but I have something very important to say to Jungkook, that could not wait and I'm just hoping he will listen to what I'm about to say."

The response from the crowd was amazing; they roared in approval and began encouraging her to speak with him, screaming words of support. Polly giggled at the reaction before turning to Jungkook. He was still frozen but she noticed the smallest inclination of his head in her direction which she took as a sign for her to start. Again she took another huge breath before locking eyes with the boy she loved.

"Hi, Kookie." She smiled hesitantly, "I know you weren't expecting to see me or even if you want to but I needed to see you cos regardless of everything that's happened, there's something you should hear.

When we first met, I never though I'd be anything special to you. I was just overwhelmed that I got to meet you and the guys and that I'd get to spend four weeks learning from you. But then for some insane reason you all decided you wanted to be friends with Ana and I. And as we became closer and I got to actually know the real you, my infatuation with you became genuine; I actually really liked you. And I don't know how or why but for some inconceivable reason, even though you could have any woman you want, you chose me, you gave yourself to me."

Jimin whistled into his mic as the crowd squealed and Jungkook flushed with colour, dropping his eyes to the floor.

"And at first I was constantly wondering why me? Why does he want me? But you are much more in-depth and perspective to people than I gave you credit for. You wanted me for who I was, not what I was or what I do."

Polly could feel her eyes begin to well with tears but they weren't tears of sadness, quite the opposite; recalling their memories together made her want what they had back so so badly.

"That's when I knew I was in love you. And even though these past 8 months have been horrible without you, it's made something abundantly clear to me; I never want to be without you again for this amount of time. Even a day seems too much."

Jungkook's head snapped up at these words and he drew a sharp breath, his eyes finding hers, his mouth popping open seeing the complete and utter honestly in them.

"You are my first love. And I want more than anything for you to be my last. I can't imagine my life without you. So, given that, I only have one thing left to say."

Polly quickly glanced back at Ana who was standing beside two bouncers, her face alight with unbelievable joy. The dancer grinned at her and turned back.

She thought the roar of the crowd was deafening before but it was nothing compared to when she sank to the floor on one knee. Taehyung screamed into his microphone and Jungkook looked like he was going to have a heart attack. Polly paid none of it any need, focusing on the thundering of her own heart and locked eyes with the boy before her.

"I love you Jeon Jungkook." She smiled at him, her heart fluttering.

"Will you marry me?"

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