Chapter Five

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Polly stormed through the campus main doors, shoving past people as she went, many bewildered as to why the usually preppy girl was full of anger. Ana followed behind, throwing apologetic looks to passers by and rushed to meet up with her friend. Just before Polly wretched open the theatre doors, Ana shot out a hand to stop her.

"Jesus, Pol, chill, would you?"

Polly glared at her with such intensity that the Portuguese girl flinched away. "Don't, Ana. Just don't."

"You can't just go barging into the theatre, all guns blazing. You like the guy, sure. But he's not your boyfriend. He didn't cheat on you! He has every right to do whatever he wants." A flash of hurt washed over Polly's face and Ana sighed. "I know you're upset. But bitchface did pounce on him and I'm pretty sure he doesn't like her. Im sorry I didn't stop it but it happened so fast, there was no time to react." Ana slung an arm around Polly. "Let's just take a deep breath and think rationally. How about not talking to them? You might chill a little more. And ignore Daniela, you know she'll try and rile you. Okay?"

Polly took a deep breath. "Fine." And slung the door open. Most people were already there and as Polly made her way to her desk, she could see out of the corner of her eye, the boys noticing her arrival. They waved at her and were clearly surprised when she didn't wave back. Slumping in her chair and noticing Ana making signs to tell them to go away as they made their way over, she took her paperwork out and rolled her shoulders. Keep calm, Stewart, don't say a word.

"Hi girls!" Jimin chirped and as Ana said hello back and Polly merely grunted in return, the boys looked at each other in confusion.

"You look a lot better than most people this morning, Polly." Namjoon said, looking down at the assistant. "Did you get all your paperwork done? You missed a good night."

Polly gritted her teeth. "I'm sure I did. Ana told me all about it."

She saw out of the corner of her eye, the boys look at Jungkook who was staring intently at the ground. Just then, the door flew open and Daniela walked in. The grip on the pen in Polly's hand immediately tightened.

"Morning boys." She called out and gave a sultry wave to Jungkook who smiled weakly in return. She turned to Polly as she passed. "Shame you weren't there last night, Stewart." She smirked. "We had a lot of fun."

The pen snapped and Polly shot up out of her seat.

"I'm going to get Christine's coffee." She barked out and pushed past the boys and stormed away. She was half way down the hall when the theatre doors opened again.

"Polly, wait!" It was Jungkook. Polly sped up but he easily caught up with her.

"Move." She snapped, trying to look anywhere but at him.

"Are you annoyed with us or something?" He asked, his face the picture of concern. Polly scowled at him, finally flashing her eyes up to meet his.

"No." She threw a hand through her hair. To hell with not saying anything. "I'm annoyed with you. Actually scratch that, I'm furious with you."

He didn't have to get her to elaborate, he knew exactly why she was angry. "Look, listen, Polly, I don't know what Ana told you but whatever happened last night, didn't mean anything. I don't like Daniela."

Polly rolled her eyes. "Please, Jungkook, spare me. You kissed her back didn't you?" He blushed and she nodded. "Why do you care what I think anyway?"

He looked flustered and embarrassed. "Because...because..." he looked at her again, his eyes pleading. "I don't know! I guess I kind of like you."

Polly's mouth popped open and she gaped at him. "What?!"

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