Chapter Twenty-Six

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The roar of the crowd was deafening. Polly was covered in sweat and her breathing ragged as she kept her final position, clinging to Jungkook with her leg wrapped securely around his waist. Under the bright theatre lights, she could just make out her mother, her father and her brother all standing and screaming along with the rest of the crowd.

Grinning madly, she stepped away from Jungkook, only slightly, and with her hand still in his, they both bowed twice before running off backstage.

The moment they got there, she jumped into his arms, elation on both their faces.

"That was awesome!" She squealed and he beamed back at her.

"Yes, you were." He replied, eyes sparkling and she blushed as the rest of BTS descended upon them.

Namjoon pulled her out of her embrace with Jungkook to spin her around high in the air while Taehyung and Jimin grabbed Jungkook and squeezed the living daylights out of him. After RM placed her on the ground once more, Hoseok ran at her and she flung herself into his arms.

"Amazing, Pol, I'm so proud!" He exclaimed, his smile the size of the sun, "That was the best performance you guys have done! And you get to do it all over again for the next three nights!"

Polly smiled and turned, locking eyes with Jungkook. His eyes were shining with excitement but clearly under it all, she could see the sadness swirling in the depths of those chocolate brown eyes and she knew why. Either because after everything, they still couldn't be together or because within six days he would be gone, she didn't know. Probably both, she thought absently as Yoongi wrapped her in a hug which she eagerly returned.

"That was awesome." He mumbled gruffly and she grinned, ruffling his hair to which he glared. "I take it back. I hate you."

She winked at him. "No you don't."

He muttered incoherently under his breath in Korean and Polly laughed; she could only imagine the words he was using right now.

"All the same, you killed it." The black-haired rapper replied into her ear as he embraced her once again and Polly smiled, her heart warming at the care and trust in Yoongi's voice. She knew he didn't trust easily so for her to become his friend after only 4 weeks was a dream come true. She tightened her hold on the rapper and he gave a squeak of surprise.

"Are you trying to crush me, Pol?" He managed to rasp out and she giggled, releasing him.

"Thank you, Yoongi, I really appreciate your words."

His cheeks darkened at the honesty and complete seriousness in her voice and he frowned, looking away.

" guess."

As she high-fived Jin and Tae and Jimin spun her around and around in circles, she didn't notice Yoongi slouching over to his maknae and patting him on the back.

"Well done, Jungkookie." He smiled at the younger, "You did brilliantly."

Jungkook grinned. "Thanks, hyung. We practiced really hard for it."

Yoongi's eyes focused on Polly as she laughed with Jimin and Taehyung. "I'm not talking about the dance."

Jungkook blinked at his hyung before following the direction of his gaze, eyes immediately softening at what he too was now looking at.

" can't congratulate me on Polly, hyung. I lost her." He sighed, running a hand through his now damp hair. He watched as intermission was called and Ana bounded over to her out of seemingly nowhere and crushed her into a hug, squeezing her tightly.

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