Chapter Six

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LucyMoon: First of all thank you to everyone who has read so far, I hope you enjoy reading as much as I am writing! Secondly the image is of the bar I name in this chapter. It is a real bar in Belfast and if you ever come to my hometown, I highly recommend a visit; it's brilliant! Anyway, On with the story!

Filthy McNastys was buzzing. Saturday nights were usually busy anyway but the whole bar and it's secret garden (a large beer garden out the back of the premises) was full of students, young professionals and the like. As the group of ten managed to find a table big enough in the balcony section of the bar that looked down onto the garden (a group of people had just left, luckily) and as Namjoon got everyone's drink orders, they settled down, chatting happily about everything and anything.

"What made you go all full out with the outfit, Polly?" Hoseok asked, smiling as he took a sip of his beer and gestured to her clothing.

"What, a girl can't dress up once in a while?" She answered defensively, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Maybe she's trying to impress someone." Aneta remarked, sniggering into her drink. Polly glared at her. Hoseok simply laughed.

"Well whoever she's trying to impress-" and threw a pointed look at Jungkook, "- I'd say she's definitely done it." He smirked at the assistant. "You look really pretty, Polly."

As Polly blushed and Jungkook glowered at his bandmate, 24k Magic by Bruno Mars came on and Jimin clapped his hands.

"I love this song!" He yelled as the group giggled and nodded in agreement. "Who's coming to dance?"

The girls immediately shrunk back.

"What?" He asked as the guys stood up. "You don't wanna dance?"

Ana shook her head. "It's not that. We love to dance but with you guys? Haha, you've got to be kidding."

The boys cast confused glances at each other.

"We don't want to embarrass ourselves." Polly added but they still didn't understand. She sighed. "You're all freakin amazing. We'll look like clowns."

The boys fell into peals of laughter.

"Screw that!" Taehyung exclaimed, grabbing Aneta's bewildered hands and dragging her up. "Let's dance, beautiful!"

Polly and Ana burst out laughing as they watched their friend turn scarlet and get wretched away from the group.

"How about it, girls?" Jungkook reached forward, extending his hand to Polly. "Shall we?"

Polly grinned and took his hand. They moved into the middle of the crowded dance floor and began dancing. Polly felt tense at first, throwing looks at Ana but as she watched her friend, true delight on her face as Jimin spun her around, she began to relax and let herself loosen up.

After 45 minutes of jumping around with Hoseok, pretending to rap with Yoongi and 'do the shopping' with Jin as the rest laughed on, Polly excused herself and went downstairs where it was a lot less crowded, just a few people dancing awkwardly at the sides of where the concrete make-shift dance floor was, she put her hands on her knees and took a deep breath.

"You alright?"

Her head snapped up as Jungkook walked downstairs and towards her. She gulped. How can anyone so beautiful be talking to her? She must have done something amazing in a past life to deserve meeting and hanging out with the biggest idols in South Korea.

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