Chapter Twelve

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Rehearsals were in full swing. When Polly wasn't running in and out of the theatre getting Christine coffee, she was sprinting all over the campus, getting permission slips for the all-nighter they were pulling next week to do a technical rehearsal and a dress rehearsal. After five hours of flying about the place, Polly slumped down in her chair in the corner of the theatre and heaved a deep sigh of relief. Glancing over to where the boys were standing, she noticed Namjoon giving her a large grin and she smiled uneasily back at him. What's he so happy about?


The assistant shifted her gaze to her director and seeing the look on her face, gave a groan.

Walking up to her teacher, she raised her eyebrows. "Another coffee?" She guessed and Christine shook her head.

"Can I have a word? In private?"

Frowning, Polly nodded and followed the director outside. Once out in the abandoned hallway, Christine turned and fixed her student with a steely glare.

"Want to explain this?"

Only then did Polly notice Christine holding a bunch of photographs. With a bemused look, she took the photos and gave a sigh of frustration.

She was going to kill those boys.

It was pictures of Jungkook and herself, taken last Saturday night, dancing in the bar, taken from the exact angle of where Rap Monster had been sitting.


Her tutor shook her head. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Shrugging, Polly handed the photos back. "I didn't think you'd be too happy I've been keeping it from you. And I didn't apply to be a dancer. I wanted to be your assistant."

Christine sighed. "When the boys showed me these pictures, I couldn't believe it. You trip over your own feet. How was I meant to guess that you could dance?"

Polly smiled tiredly. "You weren't meant to."

Christine rolled her shoulders with conviction. "Well, there's nothing more to be said. You're dancing."

Polly blanched. "No, Christine, I don't-"

Christine shot out a hand to stop her. "No arguing with me, Polly. Hoseok has already devised a dance for yourself and Jungkook. You're also going to help me out with the rest of the unfinished choreography."

I'm going to murder him.

"But my job-"

"Is something I can get anyone to do." Christine frowned. "I thought you'd be happy."

Sighing, Polly through a hand through her curly locks. "Y-yeah, I know but there's only 2 and a half weeks left. How are you going to fit in another dance?"

Christine smiled. "Leave that to me, love. And with you dancing with one of BTS, the show will add that extra bit of magic." Her smile turned into a grin. "It's going to be amazing."

Polly couldn't help her lips quirking upwards. "I guess so."

"Now if you excuse me, I have to get back. Take your lunch break now. After, your meeting Jungkook in the dance studio."

Polly nodded and turned to walk away.

"Oh, and Polly?"

Polly looked to her tutor.

"I don't know what's going on between you and that boy but make sure no one finds out. I've gotten enough crap from their manager because you and Ana are fans."

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