Chapter Eighteen.

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They could hear her muffled sobs through the door and as she was well aware they were standing outside her bedroom, she was clamping her hand over her mouth and throwing a pillow over her head but to no avail. They could clearly hear the heart-wrenching cries that was coming up, strangled and desperate as her chest heaved and her body exhausted, racked with deep despair.

Never. Never had she ever experienced such utter misery and betrayal in her life. Never had she thought that someone could be so completely cruel as to play her along like a puppet on a string only to have her fall head over heels and then crudely snap the strings in two.

So the truth had come out. All she was was an easy lay. Someone to fool around with until the real deal came along. Through her sobs, a harsh cackle rose from her throat; how could she ever compete with one of the lead singers of Twice? Never, that's how.

"Pol, please, please, open the door." Taehyung pleaded, pressing his head against the wall and sighing. Ana stood behind the five other guys and bit her fingernails nervously. Five days. Five fucking days Polly had been stuck in that room. She came out only to grab water, some fruit and use the toilet and she would do these things so fast so that Ana had no time to speak to her. The Irish girl left her no choice. She had to bring the boys in. Polly was in serious danger of really hurting herself. She may have said she never wanted to see them again but Ana knew that wasn't true; she was hurting, extremely so and had acted on initial thinking.

"Everyone is really worried about you; us and Ana more than anyone. Please open the door and talk to us. We really miss you."

When they got no reply, Taehyung looked to Ana helplessly who shrugged her shoulders. She had called them round for a reason; she had no idea what to do either.

"Right, that's it." Yoongi, who had clearly had enough, said, pushing passed Tae and slammed a fist on the door. The muffled sobs immediately paused.

"Open the door right now, Polly or I'll fucking break it down."


"Last chance, imma break your shitty door down, I swear to fuck."

Again nothing.

"Fine. You asked for it."

Ana went to shout out in protest but Jimin clamped a hand over her mouth. Yoongi turned to one side and went to thrust his shoulder into the door when it swung open, violently hitting the inside wall with a definite whack.

"Don't you fucking dare threaten me Min Yoongi or I'll break your pretty face."

Yoongi was at a loss for words. The girl in front of them was nothing like the girl who had passed out in Jungkook's arms only 3 and a half weeks ago. The girl standing in front of them was barely human. Blood-shot eyes glared at the seven people on her doorstep, once full lips always fixed in a bright smile were now chapped and thin and her dressing gown hung around her, several sizes too big for her. It was always massive but the thing was nearly suffocating her. Her cheeks and neck were blotching and red, tear-streaked and puffy.

What had they done?

"Well?" She demanded, "what do you want?"

They all stared at the Irish girl for a moment before Jimin rushed forward and flung himself into Polly's arms, much to her bemusement.

"I'm sorry, Polly!" He cried, clinging onto her waist, "I'm really sorry, we are all, please forgive us!"

Polly looked frozen for a second before looking at Jimin, her expression unreadable.

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