Chapter Twenty-Eight

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They bounded into their living room, cackling madly as they fell onto the sofa, burger and chips from the 24 hour chippy, now sitting in their laps, ready to be eaten.

"You two can fuck off, it wasn't that funny." Aneta snapped as she sat down on the sofa beside them, crossing her arms over her chest and huffing like a child.

"Holy shit, yes it was!" Ana screeched, her head lolling onto the back of the sofa, "I've never seen someone smash their head against a banister while trying to dance, I love you Aneta!!"

Polly snorted and opened up her food, stabbing a few gravy covered chips unto her fork and shoving them into her mouth. Aneta smirked at her.

"One wonders how you still don't have a boyfriend." She remarked watching as her friends eyes darkened, "You are truly a delight to observe while eating."

Polly scoffed at her while taking a bite out of burger, ketchup spewing out from the sides. "Says you," she snapped back, "Having fancied that alien that we were friends with."

"Are friends with," Ana added, munching happily on her food, "Don't act like you don't care."

Ana didn't want to talk about them. After letting her friend cry on her shoulder, she promptly made her get dressed and go out to celebrate. Their finals were over; they weren't going to be depressed about it again. She felt bad for Polly, she really did, but she didn't want her to feel upset about it any longer.

Which was why she was even more worried now. While she was at the bar, she had got a text from Jimin asking her to call him right away. She made up some excuse to go outside to call the Kpop idol.

"Hey what's up?" It was half eleven at night meaning it was half two in the afternoon in Korea.

"Okay, in about 6 hours time, BigHit was releasing tickets for a new venue on our European Leg of our tour."

"Right?" Ana was confused. What's wrong with that?

"The venue is Belfast."

Ana's jaw dropped. "W-what?"

"Yeah, I know." Jimin answered, sounding wary.

"But i thought you were only doing London?" She managed to squeak out. She didn't know whether she was terrified or extremely excited. They were going to see each other again! After six months of "oh we have to meet up when you're in Europe" and "we have to find time during the European leg to see each other", she was finally going to see the boys again. That wasn't the problem. The problem was Polly.

"Yeah I know but because of the response of the spring concert and the concerts we had directly after it, BigHit have decided to bring us back." Jimin sighed, "You have to make sure she doesn't find out."

Ana scoffed. "She follows you on twitter, Jiminie, she's going to find out regardless." She bit her lip, "maybe this is a good thing?" Maybe her and Jungkook could meet and stop being so damn stubborn and be together again. Would save a lot of heartbreak.

"A good thing?" Jimin questioned, and Ana could practically hear him rolling his eyes, "Kookies a wreck; he's horrified."

Ana snorted, "We're not that bad."

"I didn't mean it like that!" Jimin whined, "he's happy to see you sure, we all are, we're really excited but he's so nervous about seeing Polly again. After he heard her confession on your phone, he was so confused."

"I don't know why he's confused; it's clearly obvious Polly has always loved him and never stopped. He wanted to end things, she never did."

Suddenly Jimin let out a squeal of surprise. "Oh my God, I just had the best idea ever!"

Ana giggled. "I don't like it when you start using that brain of yours."

"Ana!" Jimin wailed and Ana knew he was stomping his foot on the ground like a petulant child, "I'm serious. Here's what we are going to do...."


Jungkook danced like his life depended on it. He whirled around the dance practice room with a fury, his movements sharp and fast like a hurricane. As he was getting to the end of the song, the boombox stopped and whirling round he found Taehyung and Jimin both standing beside it.

"Seriously guys?" He snapped but didn't go over to start it again instead grabbing a bottle of water and taking a few needed gulps.

"Kookie, you've been practicing for three hours. We should go home."

Tae's eyes were pleading but Jungkook simply shook his head.

"You guys go on, I need to get this move right. The tour starts in 3 days, I need to be ready."

Jimin sighed. "This isn't about the tour. This is about Polly and we all know it."

Jungkook flinched at the sound of her name and before his eyes, his memory provoked a picture of her, smiling wildly at him. It hurt way more than it should have.

"You have to face the truth that you're going to see her again. And you need to tell her how you feel."

Jungkook glared at Taehyung. "How I feel? She doesn't want to know; look at how much I've hurt her over the past eight months? From day one we were destined to fail. She probably hates me."

Taehyung growled in response. "Stop having a little pity party for yourself, Kookie and stop so bloody idiotic; you know she still loves you, you heard it yourself. And you still love her. Don't you?"

Jungkook cast his eyes to the ground.

"Don't you?"

"YES, OF COURSE I DO!" He screamed, eyes suddenly wild and feral, "I've never stopped loving her! Every time I sleep, I dream of her, everywhere I go, something reminds me of her! I can't breath, I can't think without her playing on my mind. She...she's my water. My lifeline. I didn't know how I lived all these years without knowing her smile, her laugh, the way her nose crinkles when she when's she deep in thought, the way she dances, the way she bites her lip when she's worried..." he sighed deeply, unaware of the huge grin adorning Jimin's face, "I love her so much. And these past months have been hell. Absolute hell. You never know what you have until it's gone, you know? And I now understand that more than anyone."

Taehyung tried to stop the smile that were threatening to spread over his face. "Kookie..."

Jungkook shook his head. "Please hyungs. Please leave me alone. I need some time for myself."

Jimin nodded and nudged Taehyung. "Of course, Jungkookie. We'll see you later."

Once outside, they came face to face with Jin.

"Did you get that?"

Jin grinned, camcorder in hand. "Sure did! That response was better than anything I thought we'd get from him. He really cracked, didn't he?"

"Let's just get home so we can send it to Ana. She knows what to do. Polly cannot see this until the final night of our tour in Belfast. That's when things will reach boiling point."

Taehyung giggled, "We're like the biggest shippers of Polly and the ARMY are with us!"

Jimin rolled his eyes, "Don't remind me; my own girlfriend is a yoonmin shipper, I sometimes wonder if she'd be happier if I was with Yoongi-hyung than with her."

Jin snorted, "Don't ever ask her that because you probably won't like the answer."

Jimin gave his hyung a playful shove. "Shut up. Come on let's get home and get this to Ana."

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