Chapter Twenty-Four

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She was nudging him.

A lot.

And it was really fucking annoying.

"Seriously, Polly, fuck off."

She withdrew her finger from his ribs but he heard her huffing and fought back a smile.

"It's 3pm on a Sunday afternoon, Kook. Why are you sleeping?"

He turned to face her, snuggling into her fluffy duvet and raised an eyebrow. She was sitting crossed legged, under the covers, still naked with her arms over her chest, an adorable pout on her lips.

"Because I'm tired Polly. I've spent the majority of the past 48 hours on top of you-ow!"

"Don't be so bloody crude." She snapped, smacking him on the arm. "We still need to talk."

At this comment, he yawned and snuggled even more under the covers.

"Hm. Sleepy..."

She hit him again, eyebrows furrowed into a deep frown. "I'm serious, Jungkook."

He popped one eye open and when he saw the look on her face, he sighed and sat up, propping one of the pillows behind him up against the back of the bed.

"Fine." He snapped, stretching his arms over his head and Polly averted her eyes, trying hard not to internally swoon over the sight of his bare chest, muscles flexing as he stretched. "Talk."

She nodded, trying to control her now racing heart.

"Right." She fixed him with a steely glare. "So, I guess the main question is...what the hell is going on?"

He shrugged. "We're sleeping together."

She snarled at him, rage coursing through her. "And that's it? You don't think about the problem here? Do you still have feelings for me? Or Sana?" She sighed and dropped her eyes to the duvet, "Do you have any idea of the repercussions of all this?"

He scooted closer to her, taking her chin with his thumb and forefinger, forcing her to look at him.

"What did I tell you before?" He said softly. "This isn't some easy lay for me, Polly."

She slapped his hand away, "Right and yet you shoved your tongue down other girl's throat and told me you never felt anything for me at all!" Don't cry, Stewart, hold it together. "How am I meant to believe anything you say?"

He sighed. "I only said that to protect you..." his gaze dropped his hands which were rested in his lap. "You have no idea..."

"Then tell me!" She urged, eyes fixed on his perfect face. "If you don't tell me why you hurt me so badly, then I don't even know why we're here." She let out a harsh chuckle and he flinched slightly at the sound, "this is so fucked up already...I knew that I wasn't good enough for you but I let myself believe-"

"Are you actually kidding me, right now, Polly?" Jungkook snapped, eyes blazing as he stared at her in exasperation, "How many times do I have to tell you?! You are one of the most talented, smartest, beautiful girls I know. You keep putting yourself down all the time! You tell me that I need to explain myself to you but maybe it's the other way round! Why do you always do this?"

She said nothing.

"Tell me, Polly! Why?" He demanded, now shouting at her, "WHY?!"

"BECAUSE I HAD DEPRESSION, OKAY?!" She screamed at him as tears sprung to her eyes, "You wanted to know why I hate myself so much? Why I never thought you would actually like me just because?" A tear fell from her cheek onto her chest and she furiously wiped her eyes, "it's because two years ago, my ex cheated on me with my ex-best friend and it hurt me so badly, that everything just became too much." She sniffed, eyes looking anywhere but at Jungkook, "So I had to get help. The only people who know are my parents and Ana."

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