Chapter Eight

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Polly snuggled more deeply into her covers, trying to blatantly ignore the fact her best friend had just switched her bedroom light on.

"Polly, stop ignoring me and look! I need your opinion."

Polly cracked an eye open to see Ana standing at the bottom of her bed wearing a small black dress with a golden belt, her normally mass of curly hair straightened to perfection and her full lips coated in dark red lipstick.

"I'd shag you." Was Polly's eloquent reply and Ana's laughed.

"Cheers, mate. I'm alright though."

Polly yawned. "You going to sleep with him?"

"Polly!" Ana gasped, cheeks darkening.

"What?" She replied, shrugging, "it's a completely comprehensible question! And I'm your best friend; I'd figured you'd tell me."

Ana scowled at her. "Not on a first date! I'm not a whore!"

Polly raised her eyebrows at her friend. "It's Jimin though. Someone you never thought in your wildest dreams you'd even meet let alone date. Remember when we used to watch their videos and by the end of it, Aneta would say "okay, now I know what you two sound like having sex."?"

Ana simply glowered at Polly and the assistant smirked. "Course you remember it; cos it was last week."

"Okay, okay, Jesus, I get your point! But no, I am not going to sleep with him."

Polly grinned.


She laughed. "Knew it."

Ana crossed her arms over her chest. "You're one to talk. If Jungkook came in here right now and starting stripping his clothes off, what would you do?"

Polly smirked. "I never said I wouldn't sleep with Jungkook on a first date. But I probably have a heart attack. Only problem is, he kind of has to ask me on one."

"Well why didn't you just say so?"

Polly's eyes snapped to the door and standing there, legs crossed, leaning against her doorframe was none other than the golden maknae himself. Polly immediately flushed with colour (Jesus Christ, she had just talked about making sex noises to BTS's videos for fuck sake!) and Ana cackled.

"Oh, goodness, did I forgot to mention Jungkook was here the whole time?" She placed one hand on her forehead and sighed dramatically while Polly glowered at her intensely. "Silly me! Ah well, I guess I need to go now, Jimin is waiting for me. Ciao darlings!"

She blew a kiss at Polly and high-fived Jungkook and skipped out of the bedroom, throwing a sly wink at Polly before she left.

"She's crazy." Jungkook sniggered and Polly rolled her eyes.

"You don't know the half of it."

Silence clouded the room and Polly kept her gaze fixed on her bed covers. She was dying to ask him what the hell happened earlier but Namjoon told her not to say anything so she wouldn't.

"Come take a walk in the park with me."

It wasn't a question but at the same time, it didn't sound demanding, he almost sounded sad or lost. Polly got up and nodded.

"Just let me get changed."

Running into the bathroom and throwing on a pair of jeggings and a large grey hoodie, she grimaced slightly at her appearance, her hair was a disgrace so she brushed it out and her face was too pale, even more so because of the last dregs of her hangover were still clearly present there. Sighing slightly, she exited the bathroom and after 10 minutes of complete silence, she found herself in botanic gardens, a large park, 3 minutes walk from her house. The spring air was fresh but still quite cold so she was glad she had worn a hoodie. The evening twilight descended upon the gardens making the whole place look beautiful and enchanting.

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