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"Okay, that was great, one more time guys!"

The group groaned and Jonas glared at Polly.

"Pol, please," he wheezed as he bent down to take a slug of water from his sparkly pink bottle (he even got the thing engraved with his initials) "We've went through this routine six times. Just give us five minutes rest, please."

Polly huffed, crossing her arms over her chest but looking at the rest of the group and seeing them looking like they were going to pass out right there and then, she relented.

"Fine." she muttered, turning around and marching over to her desk, "five minutes."

The group sighed in relief and they literally all fell to the floor to rest.

Polly rolled her eyes, picking up the log book and going through what other dances needed to be perfected for the day. It was only 11am but everyone was already dead. Polly guessed they were probably regretting voting for her to be this years main choreographer but it was a little too late now to be complaining.

The theatre door burst open and Ana came rushing in, tech book in her hands, hair as wild as always even when thrown up into a bun. She threw a curious glance at the dancers and gave a snort of amusement.

"You know they call you the dragon lady." Ana muttered as she reached her best friend, "You're way worse than Christine."

"They voted for me," Polly snapped, stretching her arms over her head, "And this concert has to be brilliant and match last year's. Unfortunately we haven't got any pop sensations helping us this time."

Ana grinned knowingly and Polly frowned. "I don't like that smile on your face."

Ana shrugged. "What smile? I'm just a naturally happy person."

Polly snorted derisively. "You're being too nice to me. I've screamed at you three times already."

Ana's smile fell, and she furrowed her perfectly pencilled eyebrows, "Yeah, and you're not even in charge of me, Christine is."

"Christine isn't here." Polly said, crossing her arms over her chest in a superior manner, "And until she gets back, I'm in charge." She smirked and Ana scowled at her.

"Well if you think you're so brilliant, take a look at this." She shoved the tech book into the choreographer's hands and pointed at the second sheet.

"All the cues for the boys jazz number are wrong." Ana sighed, "Robert was half asleep when he wrote them down and because I've been so busy, I only realised it now."

Polly studied the page intently. "I hope you did your job and murdered him."

"With words, yes." Ana muttered darkly, "I know you don't have enough time to go through it again but-"

Polly put a hand up to stop her and began scribbling furiously on the cue sheet. Moments later, she handed the book back to her head technician.

"There you go." She grinned triumphantly, "If you didn't freak out and rush down here, you would of noticed the cues at two seconds behind the correct ones; all you needed to do was move it forward."

Ana gaped at her before snapping her mouth shut and glowering at her best friend. "This is so unfair. You're not allowed to be good at everything."

Polly grinned and stuck out her left hand, wriggling her fourth finger. "It's a trait I share with my fiancé."

Ana snorted. "Yeah well, no one likes you two. It's annoying that you're so perfect together."

Polly laughed. "No need to be jealous. You and Jimin will always be second bat to Kookie and I."

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