Chapter Twenty

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Polly took another slug of her beer as she stood before Ana, Aneta and Jonas who were all eyeing her critically.

"I don't know..." Jonas muttered, eyes on her skirt. "I don't think it's short enough."

Polly rolled her eyes, boredom seeping into her very soul. All she wanted to do was go out and get drunk; was that too much to ask?

"Guys, please, you've been saying I don't know about every single thing I've tried on. Can't I just stick with this?"

Ana huffed at her like a child. "Polly, this is important! We are all going out tonight. You need to show that slut that she can take your man but she can't take the thing she'll never have; endless, verified sex appeal."

Deciding to ignore the take your man comment, Polly blushed and kicked the carpeted floor of her living room with her bare foot. "I am not sexy."

Jonas snorted. "Sweetie, please, I'm gay and even I wouldn't say no to sticking my tongue down your throat. You have this thing about you, you effortlessly make men putty in your hands, especially when you dance." He raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow, "You should of seen the way Jungkook was looking at you yesterday after lunch when you were dancing with Hoseok; was staring at you like you were food."

Polly blushed harder. "Shut up, Jonas, you don't know what you're talking about."

Ana flapped an impatient hand. "God whatever! Look, Polly, I don't like this one. I think you should go with the red dress, the first outfit you tried on."

Polly blinked at her. "You are kidding me, right?" She stomped her foot on the ground like a petulant child. "I've tired on nine different outfits! And you decide after all of that, that you like the first one best?!"

Aneta sniggered into her beer. "To be fair, I said the red dress straight away."

Polly huffed. "Okay you did but those two idiots didn't!" She glared at them before turning on her heel and marching back into her bedroom.

It was Saturday night and as opening night was on Monday evening, all the cast and crew had decided to go out for a couple of drinks (which meant getting pissed) before the week ahead of them. Sure, they were going to have an after party but they needed something to deal with their stress; everyone was so determined to make the show a successful that they were completely freaking out.

Of course Polly didn't want to go. And that did not sit well with Ana, Jonas and the boys. They wanted her out, showing not only Sana and Jungkook that she was fine but show everyone that she was strong, that this wouldn't beat her.

The only problem was, she wasn't strong. Her heart still bled every time she was in the same vicinity as Jungkook or Sana. Her eyes still welled with tears every time she even thought about their fake relationship. Her brain still ached with confusion every time he uttered something that he should never say; a compliment on her dancing or laughing under his breath when she made fun of Jimin. She just didn't understand. And Polly hated that. So like hell did she want to dress up like a ho and go to some bar just to watch the guy she loved play tonsil hockey with his girlfriend.

But....well....Hobi was extremely convincing.

"I need someone who doesn't have two left feet to dance with, Pol!" He had whined at her earlier that morning. Obviously Ana had been on the phone just before, telling the boys that Polly wasn't going.

"Uh, don't know if you noticed but everyone in your band is going to be there. And they dance very fucking well. So dance with them."

"But I want to dance with a pretty Noona!" He whined, his voice petulant and very adamant.

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