Chapter Thirty-Two

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For so long Polly didn't understand what love was. Sure, she understood the love she felt for her parents, for her brother, for Ana and Aneta and just recently for the boys of BTS. But romantic love? It was a foreign concept to her, one she could never understand fully. Indeed, she had dealt with lust on numerous occasions, and infatuation which she felt for the boys before they became her friend. But love was something she didn't fully grasp.

Until now. Until she met Jeon Jungkook. And she never doubted her love for him for a second even when they were going through the worst moments of their relationship. Maybe that's why she felt the heartbreak so poignantly. Because she fell so deeply for him that it was easy to break her.

But never. Never would she imagine he would do this. To stand there and gape at her in front of 25,000 people as she kneeled before him, feeling like a complete and utter fool. Well to be perfectly honest, she didn't feel like a fool until he snapped his mouth shut and ran off the stage.

Her hand went limp and her heart burst in her chest. She was frozen, unable to move from her spot on the floor. She could barely hear the roars of disapproval or see the looks of overwhelming pity the crowd was giving her. The boys were at a loss, as Jimin turned to Taehyung and and mumbled "That is so wrong."

Hoseok stared at Polly for a few minutes before snapping out of his gaze and rushing over to her. He gently took her by the hand and got her up. Glancing up at Ana, he jerked his head in their direction, willing her to come on stage. Ana hurried over.

"Come on, love." Hoseok whispered, soothingly, one hand on her back and the other enclosed in her fist. "Let's get you off the stage."

She said nothing, her expression completely blank as Ana and Hoseok carried her away. Namjoon quickly went to remedy the situation.

"Uh, ladies and gents bear with us for a few moments...we need to find our maknae and get him back onstage."

He threw a helpless glance at Hoseok who shrugged in response. At the current moment, his main concern was his friend who'd just been completely humiliated in front of thousands of people. He wanted to find Jungkook too but only to kick his ass and ask him what the hell he was thinking.

The second the trio disappeared from the view of the crowd, Polly broke. She dropped to the ground and screamed. BTS's tour manager had come storming towards them, about to demand what the fuck was going on but the moment he spotted Polly, he bit his lip and silently crept away. He'd deal with this problem later.

Ana went to put her arms around Polly but the girl in question shrunk away from her, standing to her full height and hissing through gritted teeth.

"Don't touch me, Ana." She blinked back tears, "How could you? You made that fucking video and convinced me that he was still in love with me; that everything was simply a misunderstanding."

Ana shook her head several times, looking as confused as Polly felt.

"But he does love you!" Ana exclaimed as Hoseok nodded. Polly couldn't help but scoff at them.

"You're kidding, right?" She sneered, crossing her arms over her chest, "If he felt even the smallest amount of love for me, he wouldn't have humiliated me like that." She dropped her eyes to the ground and hugged herself even more, "I don't know how he could do that to me."

Neither Hoseok or Ana could say anything. This was not the way their reunion was meant to go. Ana never thought that Jungkook could be so cruel as to leave Polly on stage when she bloody well proposed to him. It didn't make sense! It was completely mind-boggling as to why he would do such a thing.

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