Chapter Twenty-Nine

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AN: I wrote the video scene with the song 'Strawberries and Cigarettes'  by Troye Sivan playing in the background (thank you Ana for showing me this song; I love you ❤️) I suggest you play it while you read; RM did tell us it was great tune!

It was the weirdest thing. One moment everything was passing by normally, the next it was like everything had slowed down and went in slow-motion. She barely heard her phone nearly hitting the ground or the squeak of surprise from Aneta as she bent down to catch it before it smashed.

"This...this is a joke." She blinked, once then twice before turning to Ana, her gaze dazed, unbelieving. "Right?"

Ana bit her lip and let out a short huff of defeat.

" was announced two days ago." She drew her gaze away from her friend to the window on her right, looking out into the masses of chimneys situated around the botanic area of Belfast. "I didn't know you were would be so hungover that you wouldn't check your twitter."

Polly scowled, her face darkening in anger, "How long have you known about it?"

Ana shrugged helplessly. "Jimin told me the night before last, while we were out; they only found out about it then too."

Ana fidgeted under Polly's penetrating gaze. She wasn't lying, that much was true, what Polly didn't know was just how them coming to Belfast would probably be the best thing for her- and Jungkook- after everything that had happened. Ana had the recording, now all she needed to do was edit it with the other videos she had from when the boys were in Belfast before and lie in wait for another 2 months, until they arrived in the middle of December.

Polly sighed but said nothing. With finals finished and with Christmas only a couple of months away, she didn't need this right now. Of course, she wanted to see them, she knew she did, it had been so long and they had become such good friends but after everything that had happened, she was trying her best to forget. She knew if she saw them (and by collection, Jungkook) her heart that was still so very broken but trying its best to mend itself, would immediately break again.

"It's two months away, Pol. Try not to think about it."

Polly nearly laughed at Aneta's remark but shrugged.

"Whatever, it's fine."

Ana rose her eyebrows in surprise. It was?

"But I'm going to stay off Twitter and when they come, I won't see them." She saw Ana go to open her mouth in protest so she hurried on, "I can't. It''ll hurt too much."

"Sweetie, they want to see you."

Polly glared at her friend. "Does he?"

Ana said nothing, brows furrowed.


Ana stood up, gazing at her best friend's confused and saddened face. "I haven't talked to him about it so I wouldn't know. But I'm sure he's freaking out just as much as you."

Polly scoffed. "I'm not freaking out."

Aneta snorted. "You nearly smashed you phone, Hun."

The journalist growled at the junior doctor. "Okay, let's stop talking about it. I'm going to try not think about it, alright?"

So as the days drew on and became shorter, as the towns around Northern Ireland became covered in Christmas Trees and twinkling lights, as Polly (who after a lot of convincing from Ana and a long-winded conversation with Hoseok- she said she didn't want to think about them though that was pretty hard as Hoseok and Tae called nearly every bloody week to tell her all about the places they were visiting and 3 weeks before their concerts in Belfast, woke her up at 6am to scream "WE'RE IN EUROPE!!!") rushed to and from her daily dance classes, she began seeing the posters on the street, the news broadcasts and the excitement on Facebook.

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