Part 13: Rules of Engagement

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I awakened the next morning in Eve's guestroom. I stayed the perfect gentleman, watching movies with her and talking but I did kiss her good night on the forehead before turning in.

I decided to stay because I wasn't sure how Fury would react when I said I was taking Eve out for awhile this morning. I wasn't sure what he was up to, but he acted as if he wanted to keep her isolated.

Well, too late for that. Truthfully, that was over. She was not a criminal. She should be free.

A knock sounded on the door. I sat up quickly. I was in boxers and a tank. I was presentable, I guessed. "Yes?"

"I brought coffee and Danish?" Eve's voice sounded uncertain.

I was hungry, and self conscious for some reason. I ran my hair over my haircut. "Thanks, come in."

She opened the door and walked in. Oh, this is why I didn't trust myself. She was in a pretty little baby blue goddess-toga looking gown that accentuated her figure. Oh, everything was covered, but the shape! Her hair looked tousled, like someone had run their fingers through I wanted to right now. Her smile was easy and warm. "Good morning!"

"Good morning," I smiled back. She set the tray down. "Thank you."

"No," she shook her head. "Thank you." I looked down and noticed that she brought in egg and cheese on croissant for herself. "I can't believe we're going to the mall! And on a motorcycle, no less!" She looked like she was going to explode. I was watching her bite into it, her eyes rolling closed. She opened her eyes. "Buttery." Her eyes widened. "Want some?"

I must have looked hungry. "Oh, you don't have to--"

"I heard you like Danish, so I--" She ripped the sandwich in half and offered. "Trade?"

I smiled at her. I ripped my Danish in half, and just as I thought she was going to reach for it, she bit it instead. I followed suit. "Delicious."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." She was paying more attention to the pastry.

"Why don't they call you Lesedi?" I asked her. "Eve--"


"--Is nice, but Lesedi is really unique."

She paused. "I think it is because Eve is easier to say, and maybe because of my powers. You know, rain, wind, snow, earth? Mother Nature, Eve." She shrugged.


"I can grow small plants and stuff."

"I just think...Lesedi is nicer."

"Thank you! I like it, too. That's why Dad called me that here, I think." Just then a chime sounded, and her look of cheer faded. "Oh, no."


"It's--it's Uncle Nick!" She whispered as she rose, looking around. "Uh--I uh--I'll--"

I shook my head, scooting out of bed. "Hey, hey, don't worry." I walked out of the room.

"Steve!" She pleaded. She looked every bit the girl caught with a boy in her room, and it made me feel a little reckless.

I turned around slightly, and looked at the entryway. I keyed in access, and he stepped in. He was moving fast, and basically stopped in his tracks at the sight of me.

His eye widened at us then narrowed. "Cap?"

I mustered a small smile for him as Evie stood behind me. "Good morning."

"What-" he was searching for words. "I need to talk to Evie."

I nodded in approval. "Okay."

"Would you excuse us, Captain?"

I took a second to consider, and shook my head. "No."

"Some things are just not on your pay grade--"

"Oh, you mean the tests?"

Fury straightened, and looked at Evie, who cowered behind me. I was angry. She shouldn't fear anyone or anything in her own home. "Evie, that is classified--"

"Coulson told me."

Fury exhaled heavily, his jaw clenching. "How-when-did he do that?"

"He's very resourceful, especially when it comes to his daughter," I told him. "Sedi?" I turned to her and took her hands in mine. "Sedi, were there tests today?"

She shook her head. Her eyes were wide as saucers. "None that I know of."

"Oh." I turned back to Fury, and forced a smile. "I promised I'd take her on a motorcycle ride today."

"Oh." He looked at me, then at her. I tilted my chin slightly to get his attention, and kept eye contact with him. "Oh, I see." I watched his jaw clench, and I stood my ground. I allowed my smile to return. "I guess it can wait."

I gave a curt nod. "I guess it can." Fury tried to give her a look, but I stepped in front of her. "Talk to you later, then?"

"We'll talk later." He gave a nod himself, and left.

After he did, Evie exhaled heavily. "I don't want to take any more tests. I hate them."

"So you won't."

"How can I not?" she asked. "This is the only home I've known. If I don't do the tests--"

"I am quite sure your father took care of you." I saw that she hadn't thought of that.

"I just thought I'd always be here."

"Maybe you will, maybe you won't, but if you do, you have rights."


I looked at her. She'd been somewhat of a prisoner but for whose good remained to be seen. I started smiling, and she did, too. "It's a beautiful day, Lesedi. Let's find out."

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