Part 35: It Begins

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Utgard-Loki went on. "There are two paths that stretch side by side to the mountain. When you reach the mountain, be careful to not to wake the beast in stone..." His smile widened. "Or not. It can be a great delay to whomever reaches the split in the road. The one on the left is an easier route. I hear there are no dragons guarding that mine. The first to return with iced fire may claim Lesedi. Many perils await you."

Just then, three of the chariot horses were disconnected and Ingemar and his friends mounted up.

"I suddenly wish I had my bike." I murmured.

"We could fly," Tony murmured back.

"I'd rather save suit power for the mountain," I nodded. "We'll make it." We would. I wasn't sure how, but that explains half of the missions I completed. I shared one more look with Lesedi and put my head gear on.

"That said, good luck." Utgard nodded, and each group moved forward. I watched Ingemar's group take their horses into gallops.

"Maybe we should--"

"They might get to the mountain first, but we're flying up it," I said, starting to walk briskly. "We'll make time then--" I looked back and saw Utgard-Loki, Loki and Lesedi turn around and head back to the palace.

We heard howls.

"Uh-oh." Tony said.

"Uh-oh, no." I said. I could see a pack in the distance. "Every body get close, and kneel."

As they came closer, we became aware of their size. These wolves were not like back home. They were the size of horses or baby elephants. "What?!"

"Do as he says, Tony," Thor said, coming down on one knee next to me.

Tony slowly knelt. "This could turn bad real fast--"

"I don't trust Loki, but I do trust that he wants to be in good graces with his daughter," I said quickly. "Hold the position."

The wolves were coming full speed, but slowed several feet away. They were growling and snapping, but then the leader stopped. He stared at my shield. I set the shield in front of me in the snow, revealing the star on my chest. The growls turned into whines and they laid down.

"Come on, not much time," I told them as I walked to the leader. I knelt again. The leader sniffed me. We locked eyes. "Will you help us?"

The leader circled me and then sat next to me, facing the mountain. The others did, too.

"Mount up," I said, climbing onto the wolf's back. I held onto his fur, and I leaned into his warm body. The wolf howled again, and I looked to see Tony take off his suit, which turned into a case, and he mounted up. Thor and I watched Tony get some balance and nodded. "Let's go!"

We were gaining on them...quickly, and they weren't running full speed, I could tell.

"I don't believe this," Tony said. "I wish I could Instagram this, this is awesome!"


"Jarvis is recording," Tony smiled. "I'm learning so much!"

"Recording?" Thor couldn't believe it, but I did.

"An idea for a new battle bot, nothing you need to worry about," Tony said softly.

"We've got to find you a new hobby," I muttered, shaking my head.

Just then, Ingemar's party noticed us behind them. Their looks of disbelief were priceless.

"Ready to rock?" Tony asked.

"Here we go," Thor answered.

Just then Ingemar's group increased speed, as did we. They got to the bottom of the mountain just before we did.

"Where is the beast?" I asked. "Where is the--"

Suddenly stone in the mountain face began to give way as Ingemar's group went left. The ground shook. Something started breaking out...something bigger than an adult elephant.

I heard Tony's suit activate and the winding up of Thor's hammer.

"Here goes nothing!" I activated my armor, too.

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