Part 42: Morning

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I woke up first.

I looked next to me to see my...shieldmate. That was what we were called in Jotunir culture. She was in a deep sleep. We were wound in the same blanket, warming each other as we had a good part of the night. I looked at her face, her arched eyebrows, her lips. They were slightly swollen from all the kissing last night, and I smiled. I knew that difference, doubtful anyone else would. I kissed her temple, but she only turned toward me and sighed. That third time exhausted her.

How were we going to get out of here?

The more I thought about it the more I realized Utgard-Loki was not going to let us just walk out of here. He had given up technology to Fury in trade for her. He just didn't know she was Loki's daughter. But did Fury know? Did he trade her knowing we'd go after her and get her back, so that would be that? This whole situation was one of Tony's favorite words: twisted.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I came up on one side, and put an arm around my shieldmate, reaching for my gun and getting ready to fire a shot and roll us both off and behind the bed.

The door opened, and I saw female servants. They gasped at the weapon.

"We are here to care for--"

"She's resting, and I think we're fine for now," I said quickly. "Get out."

They bowed respectfully, and backed out, barely concealing small giggles as the door closed.

I rolled my eyes at that. Well, if they needed confirmation, that was one way to do it. "Sweetheart?" I nuzzled her temple again. "Sweetie, I think we better get moving?"

She turned onto her back, and looked up at me. God, she was tired. I would be too, if I didn't have recuperative powers. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry," I caressed her cheek, smiling sheepishly. "Guess we took that consummation thing to the limit."

We laughed softly, and she reached up to touch my cheek. "I think it's to be expected."

"Exactly," I nodded apologetically. "I don't think we're just walking out of here--"

Thor burst through the door. "We need to---" He froze.

"Hey, knock first--!" Tony was right behind him, looked at us, and back at Thor. "See what I mean?"

Thor's jaw tightened.

"We are shieldmates, Uncle--"

"You should be glad your father does not see--"

"I think soldiers are gathering--" Loki stopped, peeking through the two. "Oh." He paused. "Well, let's get the newlyweds out of here, shall we?" He turned on his heel and left.

"Quickly," Thor frowned, and followed Loki.

"Sorry, guys. Fun's over," Tony closed the door.

We were dressed in minutes.

We were all walking the corridor to the front doors when we were stopped by guards.

"You are wanted in the throne room," one of them said. "All of you."


We were escorted by the guards. I held Lesedi's hand. "Whatever you do, don't let go."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Lesedi muttered.

We entered the throne room. There were six guards near the throne, with Ingemar standing to his father's right. The servants who came into our room that morning were just leaving.

"Good morning," Utgard-Loki nodded.

We all mumbled replies. Thor stepped forward at my side. "We were just about to leave your city when we were summoned here?"

"Ingemar was going to issue a challenge to the truth of your joining," Ingemar said with displeasure. "but it has been confirmed it has been consummated."

"Yes, it was." I said. Lesedi other hand went on my bicep as she leaned closer. I saw Ingemar look hurt. His father looked furious. "So we will take our leave now--"

"We were cheated."

"No, you made your deal with Fury, who had no right to make an agreement regarding my daughter," Loki told him. "And you only made a deal to take her, not keep her or anything else. When you agreed to the quest and its conditions, you gambled any right you thought you had away. Accept what has happened, Utgard-Loki. You did not estimate how much Captain Rogers wanted his shieldmate; truthfully, I did, too. But in the end, you still have your son as well as an iced firestone, and I have my daughter--"

"My niece," Thor added through grated teeth.

"You have brought valid points to me, Loki," Utgard-Loki said, shifting in his seat. "Safe journey."

"Thank you," Loki bowed. He led us out. Right before we got to the doors, he said, "Be ready for anything--"

"We are," Thor nodded.

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