Part 47: Three Day Pass

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Steve nodded. They left us alone. I felt like crying already; Steve was that sad.

"What is it?"

He walked over to me, and took his hands in mine. He took a deep breath. "I think it would be best if you stayed here in Asgard."

I stood there for a minute, a myriad of emotions sounding off in me like notes from an instrument. I wanted to beg to go where he was. I didn't want to be alone again, not after sharing so much with him. I was afraid of life without him, I was afraid for him when he returned. Where would he go? Fury had betrayed us. I was angry; we'd gone through so much only to be apart?

"I want you safe," he said. He had addressed every thought I had in four words. I shook my head. "If Jotunir came after you once, they'll definitely try again. They'd think twice about trying to come here for you."

"And you need to protect Earth." I finished in a heavy sigh. My throat tightened, and I couldn't stop the tears from coming though I wanted to be brave. A warrior's wife should be, right? I looked at him, and saw tears in his eyes. "Needs of the many versus the needs of the few."

"Don't say that," he said, shaking his head and taking me by the shoulders. "Don't say it like that--"

"I'm sorry, I know what you're saying makes sense," I had to let my tears fall so I could talk. "but you're telling me you're leaving me here--"

"For your safety--"

I caressed his cheek. "I'd rather face every danger with you than to bear us being separated--"

"And I can't bear the thought of the most precious person to me being hurt-" he kissed my palm. "not if I can help it."

His look begged me to understand. "I don't want to be brave, Steve, I don't."

"And I've never been more scared," he confessed. "I am trying to do what's best for everyone here."

"We'll never see each other again--"

"Not if I can help it, not if Thor and Frigga can help it, I have their word."

I pulled him into my arms. "How long do we have till--"

"I leave in three days."


We had a wonderful two days.

We went to the Bifrost Bridge twice a day, to watch the realms move in space. It was truly something to behold, and Heimdall was very accommodating since he usually was there alone and may have liked his solitude. We couldn't help but notice how close they were getting. I didn't like it; it made me uneasy. We sailed Goful River, around Asgard and getting some of the most beautiful views of the city.We trekked the the Plains of Ida, climbed some of the smaller Asgardian mountains, and sat on the beaches near the Sea of Marmora.

Those were the days. I tried to make the nights romantic and fun. We always did come to dinner in the main hall, but all understood when we excused ourselves. It was quite possible we wouldn't see each other for a lifetime, so now minutes meant everything. Now I knew how those married soldiers felt, going off to fight, and leaving so much behind, but believing it's the right thing to do.

I asked Thor to help me make a gift from some of the iced fire Tony was trying to keep for the trip home. He wanted to analyze it badly, but gave up some of it.

There was a feast in the main hall on our last night in Asgard. Odin was very happy with an iced fire stone Thor gave him as a gift, though he quirked a brow when he gave me all the credit for it. I could tell that Thor and Frigga were already trying to negotiate my return visit which gave me hope. I didn't want too much time to go by. I started missing her the moment I knew I had to leave her.

It was a beautiful night, the moons were up and the air was warm and breezy. We laid in bed in companionable silence, just enjoying being together. My departure was hours away. I really owed Tony and Thor for getting this made in time, but I needed to give her the gift before I left. "I got something for you."

She gasped. "I got something for you!"

We scrambled out of bed for a few seconds, retrieving boxes. Her gift to me was in a silk-like scarf. We sat across from each other. I opened it:

 I opened it:

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"It's part of the iced fire stone," She smiled. "and Asgardian steel, almost like your shield."

I put the necklace on, and it seemed to pulse with light. "Thank you." I handed her a small wooden jewelry box. She took it slowly. "Go on."

She gave the warmest smile, and then gasped when she opened it.

"It's--it's--" Her eyes filled with tears as I took it from her and put it on her hand

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"It's--it's--" Her eyes filled with tears as I took it from her and put it on her hand.

"It's the heart of an iced fire stone," I explained. "The ring is basically shavings from my shield--"

"What?!" She jumped up and picked up my shield, looking at it. "You took it from the star." Her fingers ran over it.

"I just want you to remember that wherever I am, I am always going to take part of you with me, and protect it." I swallowed hard. "Do you believe me?"

"Always." She dropped the shield and climbed back into bed with me. She set her head on my chest and snuggled close as I put an arm around her.


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