Part 44: Power of Lesedi

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Finally, trees! We were in the forest, which meant the river wasn't far. After seeing Lesedi was safe and ahead with Loki, I turned to fight whatever was coming. We were just too damned close.

It was then I saw Ingemar. We locked eyes. He turned his back on me and started fighting his own people! I ran up behind him and had his back. What else could I do?

"Change of heart?" I said over the fray.

"You could say that!" Ingemar blasted the frost giants behind him. "We are even!" With that, he turned his back on the whole thing and headed back toward Jotunheim.

Thor landed. "What was that?!" He melted snow with the heat of his hammer, and they began to sink. Ingemar froze it solid.

"That's one wave!" I told him. "Good work!" I looked up. "Tony!"

"More coming, Cap!"

"Hell," I muttered. I liked the mobility of my own suit, but I was going to need to fly for what I had planned. I jumped to the top of the trees to get eye level. "Thor, a little light?"

Thor was in the air in seconds. We had to get higher to deal with them. He lifted his hammer to the skies and he directed the lightning to my shield. I shook as I moved it across the eyes of the frost giants, some burned and blinded, others ducking but not getting hit directly, but that first line was down. Not far now. The river wasn't far.

Then suddenly I saw a group coming from the river on a boat. Four on four horses.

"Save some for us!" Volstagg yelled.

"Yeah!" Fandral smiled, brandishing his sword.

Thor gave a triumphant war cry. He had things planned in advance. He knew we may not get out of there peacefully.

Sif launched herself forward, as did Hogun. Now it was more even. We were all fighting to get to the boat.


I recognized Lesedi's voice. "Get on the boat!"

"Thor!" she cried again. "Uncle I have a plan!"

Thor glanced at me, but looked back in double take.

"Fork the river!"

Thor nodded, and hit the ground with his hammer. The earth divided and water began to flow immediately. The frost giants stopped at the edge of the newly formed river. They were already working on building a bridge with downed trees. We could see them getting smaller due to the warmer air.

"We've got minutes here!" I called, and then I heard Lesedi yell. I turned to see her arms stretch out and the ground form a bridge across the river to the bridge, to Asgard. "Lesedi!"

"Come on!" Loki said, already pulling Lesedi on the bridge of earth she just made. Everyone fought walking backwards as the last of the giants started crossing the river Thor made. I swooped down and grabbed Lesedi, while Thor picked up Loki. Tony was already on the other side, but Thor's friends were bringing up the rear.

"Set me in the middle of the bridge!" She argued.


"Trust me!" She screamed.

I landed with her. I sure as hell wasn't leaving.

Her eyes turned white and she sent a tornado that blew them back, stalling them before they could get on the bridge, and destroyed our boat, which was no longer needed. As soon as Hogun, Sif, Volstag and Fandral passed her, she sent a blast of wind that swept across the bridge and river, threatening to flood the land on the other side.

"Let's go!" she told me, putting her arms around me.

I blasted the edge of the bridge on the other side as we went straight up. Thor was right there, summoning lightning. By the time we landed on the other side, he had blasted the bridge completely, and Tony had sent heat blasts to defrost the frozen earth so it would break up and flow away. We stood on the other side for a second, and kept going, hearing the enraged cries of the remaining frost giants.

I landed with Lesedi.

"We brought horses," Sif said. There were four of them and five of us.

Thor and Tony said, "I'll fly--"

I lifted Lesedi onto one of the bigger horses, and swung up behind her. "Mount up, guys. Let's go."

Sif wanted to laugh.

They both looked at each other.

"Go on," Tony said.

"You first."

"There are two horses, you know!" I called over my shoulder, following Fandral. Volstagg, Sif and Hogun were trying not to laugh outright as we made for the bridge to the city.

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