Part 14: Best Bad Boy Ever

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I couldn't believe it!

I was so excited. I hardly ever get to go anywhere. Dad escorted me everywhere, and that was if his schedule allowed. I did almost everything online. There was a point when Uncle Nick complained about that. Boxes coming from miscellaneous online stores raised questions in receiving. Dad just waved him off, and then told me to order everything and put it to his attention. There were far less questions then.

Standing only in my underwear and bra, I opened my closet. Oh, wow, too many things to choose from, most of them still bearing tags. I usually stayed in gowns at home. There was no reason or purpose to change what I wore, and sometimes after tests all I wanted to do was go to sleep. Gowns made it easy. But now...

Oh, God, I wanted him to notice me. I wanted to impress him. I wanted him to kiss me. That close call had me reeling. And he was strong, and he smelled nice, and he had a great smile and his voice made me feel safe and relaxed and he...he is Captain America.

I sighed. He is Captain America. What am I thinking?

I heard a ringtone. I froze. A motorcycle ringtone?

My phone! I hardly ever use it. I hardly ever need to. Dad got it for me. Only Natasha and Clint had this number. They were my only friends. But this tone was different! I looked at the phone, and read: Steve. I was completely giddy. He must have put it in without me knowing! I jumped on my bed, reached for the nightstand and grabbed it for a closer look. Not "Cap" or "Captain America" or "Captain Rogers," or even "Steve Rogers." I took a deep breath. "Hello?"

"Are you really like every other girl in the world?" his voice was full of humor. "Don't know what to wear or something?"

I turned on my back. "Are you like every other guy in the world, telling me to hurry up?!"

He laughed. "Touche. I'm out front, whenever you're ready."

I laughed at the sarcasm in his voice. "Be there in a sec."

"Why don't I believe that?" We both laughed. "Okay, I'm waiting."

I clicked off. I found a V-neck t-shirt, jeans and boots that went halfway up my calf. I found a bomber jacket Uncle Phil bought me for my first helicopter lesson. I stood there, holding it, feeling nostalgic. "Thanks, Dad." I whispered. I slipped it on, slid my phone in my pocket along with my military ID and gold credit card, and ran out.

I ran down the hall, to the elevator, and past workers. I must have looked wildly out of place, dressed for a day out, running down the hall, hair all over the place, but I didn't care. I was about to have fun. I was about to spend a day with a wonderful guy. I felt...normal. I finally stood at the lobby doors, closing my eyes for a second to let the sun hit me. I put my hand on the door to push.


I turned. Of course it was Uncle Nick! "Yes?"

"Where are you going?"

I smiled widely. "Out for a ride today, Steve told you--"

"Steve." He was clearly against it.

"Don't worry, Uncle Nick, I'm with Captain America, you know, one of the people you trusted the fate of the world to? I'm in good hands."

His lips formed a grim line. "That's what I'm afraid of."

I laughed, catching his meaning. "Have a good day." I pushed the door open, and Steve was in the driveway sitting on his bike with a big smile on his face. I felt like running to the bike, to him. I felt like I should play cool; I'd read enough magazines and watched enough TV, but--to hell with it--I ran to him.

"Prison break?" He teased.

I slid on behind him, and whispered. "Can you tell?"

"Well-" he started the motor. "he's about to get madder."

I was intrigued. "Why?"

"Your cell phone?"


He took his out and powered it off. He looked at me.

I looked up and I could see Uncle Nick in the lobby window, watching. With a grin I did the same. I saw his eye widen in outrage. We put our new paperweights in our jacket pockets. "Not they're not gonna catch us now, but that delays him a bit," he said with a wink as he pulled a pair of sunglasses out of his jacket. He reached into his pocket and pulled out another pair for me. I put them on, and smiled up at him. "Hold on." I looked in the mirror as I leaned on him, allowing my arms to encircle him and hug tightly. I watched his smile broaden as he revved the motor and we took off.

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