Part 46: Meeting of the Minds

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I laid in bed watching Lesedi sleep. We'd finished our morning in bed, and had brunch. She was sleeping soundly and peacefully.

I watched her as I dressed, trying to keep my thoughts just on her, clear and simple. Even a mood change might be detected by her in sleep, and I wanted to know what was going on before she could figure what was going on.

I wasn't stupid. Thor, Tony and Loki shared too many looks on the ride home, and if it concerned Lesedi, I wanted to know what was going on. I deserved to know. She had displayed so much power in one day. She literally moved mountains and created storms. She was godlike. If Fury knew the extent of her powers, I wonder if he would have traded her away.

I got out of the room before my anger at Fury could disturb her. It was something in the back of my mind, something I kept tamped down. I was going to lay that guy flat as soon as I got back to SHIELD.

I closed the door softly and looked up just in time to see Tony turn the corner down the hall. I sped up my step and followed him.  "Hey."

Tony was startled. "You're the only person I know besides Pepper who can sneak up on me."

"Sorry," I gave a small smile.

Our eyes locked for a second. "We didn't fool ya, huh?"

"Uh, no."

Tony exhaled heavily. "Well, come on, I guess the more the merrier."

Tony and I went to the a room with a magnificent view of Asgard. Thor stood on the balcony, looking like he was in deep thought. He turned, and did a double take when he saw me. "I want to discuss Lesedi's safety."

"That is a concern of mine, too," I said slowly.

Loki entered the room with Frigga. "Did you really think that I would miss this discussion, brother?" He was clearly angry.

"Lesedi is his daughter, Thor," Frigga said softly, but it sounded like a decree from her. "It is his right."

"After much thought, I believe it would be best if Lesedi stayed in Asgard for now."

"Doesn't she get a vote?" I asked.

"We are talking about safety," Tony said. "Not what she may or may not want."

I understood now. This little meeting was to sway my judgment. She wouldn't stay in Asgard if I didn't agree with it. They wouldn't be able to keep her here, either, not after what we saw today. "SHIELD is all she knows--"

"SHIELD is what got her here--"

"Fury did that--"

"Yes, and he is the head of SHIELD," Thor reasoned.

"If I return with her, and keep working with Fury, that may be enough to ensure her safety."

Thor's eyes narrowed. "Where? She was basically underground. Her existence is no longer secret."

"Can't put the genie back in the bottle, Cap--"

"Tony, I can keep her safe--"

"And be part of the Avengers defending the whole planet?" Tony finished. "That's a bit much, even for you, and you'd probably have to keep an eye on Fury at the same time--"


"Here's another thing," Loki said. "Jotunheim is afraid of Asgard, but it is not afraid of Midgard. New York City is still in rubble--"

"Thanks to you--"

"True enough," Loki nodded. "but you can't expect to do that again. Midgard would hand her over to avoid that kind of conflict, especially when they find out who her father is--"

"And married to me?" I couldn't believe I played that card, but it was true.

"In the eyes of Asgard and Jotunheim, yes, you are married," Loki nodded. "but I am not sure about Midgard. Let's face it, everytime an Asgardian goes to Midgard, we leave the place in shambles."

"That's because we have been oblivious for so long, but with the planets aligning, stones like the Tesseract appearing, that's not going to be the case much longer--"

"But it is now, Steve," Thor interjected. "It is now."

I wanted to argue. I wanted to overturn this. But I couldn't think of a way. It all made sense, but I wanted to find a way to stay with her. For the first time, I was struggling with my own feelings... "Will I even get to see her?"

"That will be up to my father," Thor said. "but I think my mother and I will be able to make that happen eventually--"


We all turned. Lesedi was standing in the doorway.

"Another person who can sneak up on me," Tony murmured. "Great."

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