Part 34: To the Mountain

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We were up before dawn:

I was just resting, going through things in my mind or being tested by Tony about the iron suit. I chose not to wear it right away, but to wait until I really needed it. Tony was testing his improvements on his own suit; I doubt he got much sleep, he didn't look it. Thor was just practicing with his hammer, reminding us about the kind of beasts we may have to face: wolves, beasts and the occasional dragon. That last one was actually the only thing I worried about.

"So there is no one way to kill dragons?"

"First, they are very powerful and cunning," Thor said. "Second, different kinds of dragons have different strengths and weaknesses so--"

"There is definitely a dragon where you are going."

We all turned to see Loki standing in the corner of our room.

He raised his hands. "I come in peace, and I don't have much time." He paused. "Wolves will not be a problem."

"Fenrir," Thor growled. "How could you consort with one that could kill our father--"

"Thank you, Loki," I said, barring Thor's way to Loki with an outstretched arm. "Is there anything else?"

"Lesedi feels sorry for Ingemar. Spare his life if you can?"


"She feels to blame for all of this. If he dies..." Loki rolled his eyes. "Spare her if you can, how about that?"

I blinked. "I'll take it under advisement."

Loki quirked an eyebrow. "Thank you." Knocking sounded at the door. "Good luck." And then he was gone.

Thor opened the door.

"It is time." One of the frost giant soldiers said.

We were led from the palace out into the snow wilderness. We were all made to walk.

I looked across to the other end of the procession. Ingemar looked determined. He looked like he was thinking hard. He had two huge warriors with him, one with a sword and one with a bow. I suddenly wished I'd sparred with Hawkeye more. I hardly ever fought anyone with that weaponry. The one with a sword looked like he could fight with or without it, and he gave me a smile that told me he enjoyed killing. I could beat that. I enjoyed living.

"This is meant to wear you down," Thor said under his breath, breaking into my thoughts.

"How ya doin'?" Tony asked. "The suit is doing most of the work for me."

"I'm fine, but there is still the mountain ahead," Thor said. "Captain?"

"I'm okay for now." I was. This is where the super soldier serum was benefitting me-that and one of the best thermal suits ever created. It was experimental, but now I had real results to report to Fury--

Fury. I felt rage. He had played us all. Did Coulson even know what had been done to revive him? Did he even know? What was happening back home?

I looked to the chariot drawn by ice horses. Utgard-Loki, Loki and Lesedi sat in it. Utgard-Loki looked all the great chief, regarding the procession. Loki looked straight ahead, but what bothered me was that impish little smile he always seem to have. Lesedi's head was down, as if saddened and in deep thought. I was used to things being thrown at me. I was used to being thrown into things. How she must feel! I wanted to tell her to be brave and it would be alright. Truthfully I wanted to hold her again.

Her eyes rose to mine, and she gave a smile. She was definitely in turmoil, but knew to be brave, to keep her wits about her. So far she had, really had, despite anything. You'd be proud, Coulson, I thought, and I smiled at her. She sighed and looked ahead. That was when I saw Loki's look. He did all but tease me outright with his look of humor, and I looked ahead, too. I felt better though, because I knew she was doing alright. Much ahead...

"Here we are," Utgard-Loki announced.

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