Part 28: Man on Fire

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"Thor, he is a man possessed."

I looked at Hogun, away from the practice arena where it seemed my men were being taught a lesson by the Captain. "He is readying for battle."

"No," Hogun disagreed. "Can you tell us more about this Lesedi? He fights as a man would for his child or for his woman."

"Has he injured anyone?" I asked.

"Bruises, sprains, nothing of consequence, he has been careful," Hogun reported. "But there is a fire within him. I thought you said this man was calm."

"He..." I trailed off, not sure what to say. "There is much to consider. Lesedi was raised by a very honorable man, who entrusted Captain Steve Rogers with her life upon his death. This man was murdered by Loki. That is a lot to face."

Just then Fandral joined us. "He's not letting up, not even with Volstagg." We looked on as Volstagg and Captain America sparred. "This is a Midgardian?"

"He is rare among them," I explained.

"So is this Tony Stark," Fandral nodded. "I sense we are similar, but he has a keen focus and understanding I envy when it comes to the sciences. He said he is 'tweaking things.' What does that mean?"

"He is improving and changing what he has," I explained. "And if our people are smart, they will learn what they can from him."

"What will we do about him?" Hogun cocked his head toward the practice arena, where the Captain moved, pivoted, flipped and fought tirelessly.

I have seen Captain America-Steve Rogers-fight before. He has been in the thick of battle by my side. I have seen him make hard choices and not flinch, making sacrifices. I have seen him injured and fight with a determination earning song in the halls of Asgard, and in Valhalla. Even the stories before I met him were worthy of that.

But he is a man possessed now. I was concerned as I watched him practice with the palace guards. I've never seen him faster. I've never seen him so methodical and yet somewhat ruthless. He was even holding his own with my circle and after he had defeated the majority of our men. Sif was fighting him, and starting to lose. He didn't want to fight her; he wasn't used to fighting women. Maybe this was a chance to get him to stop.

"Captain!" I called.

He turned, blocking Sif's attack blindly and catching his breath, also giving the men a break. Groans of gratitude sounded from them.  Sif looked angry, though she needed one, too. He looked a bit annoyed at the interruption.

"You must eat and rest," I said. "Tomorrow is the day."

"I'm fine!" He turned back to the group he was sparring against. Sif went into guard stance.

I came down to the arena. "It is very important that you eat and rest."

"It is very important I am ready to face anything!"

I looked in his eyes. I'd never seen fear before, not in this man's eyes, but I saw it now. The only sounds that could be heard were hard breathing of all that had been sparring. "Dismissed."

Sif's eyes flared wide. I knew that look. It was the Why? I can take him! look.

I shook my head. "Thank you." One nod, and that was all; I had issued the order to go. All left the practice arena. I watched the Captain turn on his heel to leave. "Steve?"

He stopped, and straightened. He took a deep breath and turned.

"You do need food and rest--"

He sucked in a breath, as if for patience. "If it was Jane Foster," he exhaled, tightening his jaw. "Would you?"

I was taken aback by that line of questioning. All knew that Jane was a sensitive subject. "I understand." I paused, checking my own emotions. I had not seen her in some time, and I missed her so much, even though Heimdall was helpful in keeping track of her. "But you must be at your best tomorrow." I took a deep breath. "Please join us. It would be seen as rude to not attend the meal."

Captain America closed his eyes for a couple of seconds. "Fine." He left the arena.

I took a deep breath. I had to get Tony now. I was hoping it would be easier. I was about to leave the arena when I saw him in the corridor leading to the great hall.

"How's he doing?" Tony asked.

I shook my head. "He's alright, but then he's..."

"Not?" Tony finished. "Surprise, surprise." He fell in step next to me as we headed to the great hall.

I gave him a warning look. "He will be alright."

"He needs to admit he is feeling more than brotherly concern for her."

"That time may come, it will." I told him. "How are you?"

"Just learning as much as I can, trying to tweak everything. Asgard may be of great help to Midgard in the future--"

"We don't interfere--"

"Riiiiight," Tony smiled. "By the way, how's Jane doing?"

I grabbed him by the front of his shirt, but he didn't flinch.

"Listen, we are warriors and there is real evil out there. As warriors, we protect our women first, but we do want to protect their world, don't we? Don't we?" His eyes never wavered on mine. I released him. "I, for one, am going to be ready. You can sit here on your perch if you want to, but you know what's bad about that?"

"What?" I loosened my grip on his shirt, but still held it.

"If you barely look around, and you never look up, you've developed your own blind side." Tony bit out. "Midgard may not be Asgard, but at least we are on some kind of guard, and when I get back, I'm going to increase it tenfold, hundredfold if I can. You need to think about that. We all need to." Tony pulled free and headed off to the great hall.

I stood there, watching him. He had a point, a few of them actually. But one thing at a time. Right now, we had to get Lesedi back, and then I would try to see Jane, if only briefly. Heimdall told me that she was changing her travel plans from the Arctic. She wasn't going home to the Americas. I wondered if she figured out that I arranged to have her out of harm's way during the Battle of Midgard Manhattan. I will try to find out why as soon as I take care of matters at hand.

The thing I wouldn't and couldn't tell Steve was that Heimdall saw Lesedi locked away with males circling her. One of authority seemed to be keeping them at bay.

We had to hurry.

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