Part 30: Claims

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We all looked at each other in disbelief.

"This cannot be," Thor said.

"Coulson is dead," I said, shaking my head. I looked at Lesedi. She looked like she might collapse. She trembled, and I wanted to reach out to her, but she moved away from the male who chased her to us. Who the hell was he?

"Fury is from Tahiti."

"What?" Tony asked.


I cringed. Wait a minute that sounded familiar, and not in a good way. I closed my eyes. "Technological Asset Health Increase Techniques & Investigations." These were the people who helped defrost me before they became TAHITI, but I wasn't dead, just frozen. I opened my eyes. "Dear God. Experimentation on bringing people back from the brink of death, and from what I read in hard files during downtime, with bad results. Coulson headed that up for a time, and he resigned because it was unethical."

"Tahiti?" Lesedi frowned.

Utgard-Loki gave a small smile. "Your healing sciences approaches relied on heat, ours relied on cold. We were able to exchange some ideas, especially having to do with blood and hot and cold effects of gamma radiation."

"Gamma radiation runs hot--" I said, thinking of Bruce Banner.

"Gamma radiation can be controlled if put through-how do you say-cold fusion?" Utgard Loki's smile broadened. "We traded science to save this Coulson for the opportunity to bring home our lost Jotunir child--"

"Yes," Loki interjected. "My lost Jotunir child. And I thank you."

Again the halls were heavy with silence.

"So, Lesedi Evelyn Munroe is your child?" Utgard-Loki asked incredulously.

"Yes, she is mine." Loki looked at her. His look was almost affectionate, but her eyes were filled with angry tears.

"I hate you!" She charged Loki. He caught and blocked her with ease, letting her rail on him or try to. "I hate you! Nothing changes that! Nothing!"

"I didn't know about you," he said as he blocked. "I didn't know what Coulson was doing."

"Like it would have changed anything?!" She finally slapped him, landing a blow after so many thwarted.

"This looks like a family to me," Utgard-Loki said wryly.

"I would have taken you back to Asgard if I had known!" Loki caught both of her wrists, but I could tell he was holding them, gently overpowering her. "I would have taken you from Coulson!"

"Over his dead body!" she hissed.

"It wouldn't have come to that," Loki said softly. "It would have hurt you too much. I'm not a complete monster, I just want power I deserve!"

She stopped struggling against him and stared into his eyes. "That is what makes you a monster!" She whispered, but the place was so quiet, all heard her.

"I need to do this for you," he whispered. "At least let me do what I can to set it right. Coulson is on earth somewhere, and he could be revived now. That is set right. Let me get you where you belong." He released one of her wrists and turned toward Utgard-Loki. "I invoke my paternal rights over this child of Jotunheim."

"As do I." I said. All turned to me.

"You are not--"

"Coulson raised her as his own and gave her to me." I tried not to look at her. I didn't like referring to her as property.

Utgard-Loki looked displeased. "What say you to this, Ingemar?"

"I step forward with your permission," Ingemar said.

"Do so." Utgard-Loki nodded, a small smile forming on his features. His smile did not make me feel at ease at all.

"I wish to stake a claim to Lesedi," Ingemar went on. "As a child of Jotunheim, as well as the Utgardian chief blood line."

"What?" She turned.

"My Asgardian mother was captured along the Ifingr river many years ago, and was brought here," Ingemar looked at her as if she was the only one he owed an explanation to. "She bore me while in captivity, raised me for many years before she died." He took a breath stepping closer. "You belong here, Lesedi--"

"You wish to stake a claim?" Utgard-Loki asked. "She is still unbreached?" He looked even more displeased at that.

"I wanted to give her time, Father--"

"I thought you were my friend," She shook her head. It was clear she felt betrayed. He tried to take her hand, but she pulled away. Loki locked eyes with the younger man. I'd never seen them glow before.

"Get...your her." I didn't realize I could sound like that. I looked to see Tony's eyebrows raise at me, and Thor simply sigh.

Ingemar stepped back, but it was clear it was because of her resistance and Loki's silent threat, not my words. "She no longer needs a guardian, Captain--"

"She is of mating age." Utgard-Loki's eyes sparked at me, almost humorous. "Are you staking a claim, Captain?"

I looked around. "Yes," I straightened, and then stared Ingemar down. "Yes, I am. Don't touch her again." The last comment was said quietly.

Loki was clearly amused.

Utgard-Loki sat back on his throne. "First, we must find who has a true right. Loki and Lesedi must be tested for bloodline--"

"I am Lesedi's father," Loki interjected, and then a smile much like Utgard Loki's crossed his lips. "Then the next step will be mine."

"Like hell." I murmured.

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