Part 32: Gear Up

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"Hold still, Cap."

I didn't want to, but Tony had surprises up his sleeve. "What are you doing?"

"A quick synchronization program."

"For what?" I asked.

"Put your arms like this." Tony flexed his arms downward and straight, making a fist.

I did it, and metal extended from the bracelets he put on my arms. I admired the new gauntlets. Wow."

"Thank me later."

"You really think this is necessary?"

"I do," Tony nodded. "If Lesedi  has no say in who she can be with, there's a chance you two may have to fight like a couple of lions."

"But Loki..." I suddenly felt sick. "He would do that, wouldn't he?"

"I say let's cover all bets." He stood in front of me. "Tap The belt." When I did, a breast plate appeared."Okay, click your heels, Dorothy."

I did, and I felt myself lifted off the ground. "Propulsion?"

"You've been working on this for awhile, haven't you?"

"I've been working full throttle on a lot of things since New York City," Tony admitted. "I used to feel like we were ready, now I feel like we're not ready enough."

"What are you working on?"

"Avengers armor, Iron Men--"

"Did you say Iron Men?"

"They were just hobbies, but I've been getting into my hobbies a lot lately."

That didn't sound good. I noticed the circles under his eyes. "Getting any sleep?"

He hesitated.


Tony sounded like he had PTSD. "Have you talked to anyone about this?"

"About what?"

"Sounds like you're barely sleeping and I can't believe I'm saying this--obsessing--"

"Let's take care of yours before we take care of mine, huh?" When I looked down at him, he went on. "I'm not the one banging down doors of another realm for a girl."

"Sounds bad when you put it like that."


The next morning we were all back in the meeting hall.

"Let it be stated in Jotun lore that Loki is father of Lesedi Evelyn Munroe," Utgard-Loki said, his lips forming in displeasure. "What say you in regard to your offspring?"

Loki was quiet for a few moments. "I am unsure at this point."

Utgard-Loki's expression turned incredulous. "Unsure?"

"I have two very strong males who want my daughter," Loki explained. "I think some contest would be fitting."

Thor got angry. "This is not Midgardian custom--"

"We are not on Migard, are we, Thor?" Utgard Loki interjected.

Loki nodded in agreement. "There was a time when it was this way on Midgard. Now there are divorces and parent-less offspring run amuck. I would like to safeguard from this."

Thor's look could have killed.

I glanced at Tony, who gave me the I told you so look. I nodded and looked at Eve. She looked physically ill, shaking her head in denial. She didn't want anyone fighting over her, not when she could choose. Even I knew that.

Utgard-Loki smiled. "I would have it no other way, Loki." His cold eyes narrowed. "What would you suggest?"

"Arena?" Thor suggested.

"No." Utgard-Loki said quickly, and thought for a moment. "A quest?"

Loki's eyes lit up. "Yes, a quest is fitting!" He narrowed his eyes slightly. "But where? And for what?"

Utgard-Loki smiled wider. "For ísseyðir."

Ingemar's expression turned to surprise. "The sacred iced fire?"

I watched Thor's eyes widen. "That is rare, and in the mountains of Jotunheim."

Utgard-Loki nodded in agreement. "Faltekindrr, specifically."

"What is it?" Tony asked. "What is--"

"When would the quest begin?" Thor asked.

"Hold it!" Tony and I both said it and looked at each other.

"Forgive me, but if I'm going on any quest, I'd like more information!" I frowned up at Utgard-Loki. I wasn't backing down. I'd be damned if these demigods acted like--demigods in control of my life--there is only one God for me and He's in Heaven.

Utgard-Loki smiled outright, showing jagged wolflike teeth. I took a deep breath, not moving, unwavering. He was not going to intimidate me. He raised a hand and one of the guards left went to the throne and knelt. Utgard-Loki handed him a small dark gray and royal blue dagger. "This is ísseyðir."

When the guard came toward me with it, Tony stepped forward and took it. I knew he was going to have Jarvis analyze it, but it also looked a bit more official. I lifted my chin and kept my eye contact with the Utgard chief as Tony completed his analysis.

 I lifted my chin and kept my eye contact with the Utgard chief as Tony completed his analysis

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"It's titanium cobalt," Tony said, glancing up. "On Midgard we have this, but the elements are separated. Here, they are naturally melded and mined as one." He blinked, still reading his device. "Interesting."

"Very beautiful," Utgard-Loki breathed, looking at Eve. "Very rare." He turned his gaze to me. "Don't you think, Captain?"

"Maybe," I nodded. "but not--" I glanced at Lesedi and back at the chief. "Once in a lifetime."

"I am inclined to agree with the Captain," Ingemar said slowly.

"Then it is settled," Utgard-Loki said proudly. "Ingemar, you should choose two companions to aid you on your quest. Is it safe to say yours are already chosen?"

I looked at Tony and Thor who each nodded their allegiance and approval. "Yes, I have."

"Then we will begin tomorrow."

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