Part 49: Back at the Ranch

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Thor was gone pretty quickly. He heard that Jane Foster had disappeared from Heimdall's sight and that was something that simply didn't happen.

"Heading back to the west coast?" Cap asked as we headed to SHIELD HQ. He probably felt like being alone, but that was kind of a bad idea. He couldn't even get drunk, he needed a friend at least.

"Naah, not yet, business to settle here, first." I shrugged. "This is going to be good."

We walked inside and went to our underground level. "What?"

The elevator doors opened, and Fury stepped toward us. "Cap--"

That might as well have been a fight bell, because Cap wasted no time. He attacked Fury on sight. At first Fury blocked, but he couldn't hold against Ol' Cap. He got him to the ground and grabbed him by the front of his leather duster. Security closed in, and I suited up and extended my hands. "Back off, this is personal, guys!"

"I want to break your neck!" Cap growled.

"Look, I didn't say they could keep her--"

Cap banged Fury's head against the floor. "I'll never trust you again!"

IDEA! "Can you trust me?" I asked. Truthfully, I'd seen Cap determined, annoyed, but this was more. He was in rage.

"What--" Cap tightened his grip. "Are you proposing?"

"That Stark Industries takes over NYC clean-up from Toomes," I said. "That's better than exposing this tech to new eyes, right?"

"Good idea," Cap nodded, narrowing his eyes. "What do you think, Fury?"

Fury raised his hands in a defenseless gesture. "No problem," He said casually, but then locked eyes with Cap. "But can you work for me?"

"I don't need to!" Cap growled. "I work for the United States of America-a country-not one man!" He dropped Fury and left the main area.


"I need some air," Cap threw over his shoulder.

I worked out a few temporary measures with Fury, and set Jarvis to work on the newest Manhattan Project. "You really screwed up, you know that?"

"I did what was right for earth," Fury said, finally getting on his feet. "Do you want to see him?"


Fury took me to yet another wing I didn't know about. Memo to me-re-scan and go at least five stories underground. God as my witness, I'm going to crack this whole place.

I saw the video of Coulson. It was like Frankenstein being brought back to life, but worse-worse because it was real.

"You did this?"

"Compliments of Jotunir," Fury said.

"By trading off Coulson's daughter," I said. "Does he know?"

"He has no recollection of her," he shrugged. "But he keeps playing this on the piano." He clicked a video:

He sighed, "Not even sure what he remembers."

I shook my head. "You know, you're the real mad scientist."

"No, I'm not," Fury said. "I'm no scientist, but mad is up for debate."

"Outta here, I'll be in touch." I wanted to say goodbye to Cap before I go. He usually walked me out, but it had been a helluva day, a helluva week. I went down to his quarters and saw him asleep on his bed. I was about to go when something glowed.

Around his neck was a new dogtag with the iced fire stone in it. It seemed to pulse with his every breath.

"Damn, Cap," I muttered, feeling sorry for him, especially since I was going back to Pepper. I then remembered I still had a little piece of Asgard heaven with me. Suddenly it was time to go. SHIELD wasn't going to get this.

"Outta here?"

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"Outta here?"

I turned back. "Uh, yeah, in a bit." I tried to lighten his mood. "Where are you headed?"

"No place."

"Wanna hit the beach for a little R & R?" I offered. 

"I'm good."


He was quiet for a moment. "Be careful, Tony."

I looked at him. He hadn't spared me a glance, and his eyes remained upward, toward the ceiling, probably toward her. Nothing could help him right now, and I wished there was something I could do. I sighed, realizing he wanted to deal with this on his own. "You too."

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