Part 39: Shieldmates

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We rode to the city of Utgard on wolf-back. The pack was more than happy to stay and wait, having feasted on a frost beast while they did. They were all full.

"Thank you," I said to them. Thor and Tony nodded in agreement. The leader nodded, taking his leave, and the others followed at a slow gallop, still full from their meal.

We brought our competitor through the city on their horses, getting looks as we made our way to the palace. No one stopped us; they just stopped whatever they were doing and stared. I kept my eyes straight ahead, trying to ignore the looks of shock, the looks of anger and hatred. They didn't matter.

"You know, my father may or may not let you go."

I looked at Ingemar. "The idea has crossed my mind."

"You don't care?"

"If I can fight for Lesedi's freedom, you can be sure I'll fight for my own."

We finally reached the palace gates and they were opened to us. We walked up the path to the palace, and again the doors were opened. We dismounted and went straight to the throne room:

"So." Utgard-Loki's look was one of disgust. Ingemar lowered his head. "A real Jotunir would have come back victorious."

"Here is your iced fire--" I pulled the stone from  the back of my shield.  " And here is your son. He fought bravely."

"He did, did he?" he asked, his gaze sparking with anger at his son. "Then why didn't he die in battle?"

"I spared his life," I said. "He is young, and will become great in time. I also cannot bear the idea of Lesedi feeling guilt over his demise at my hand."

"So, Lesedi has been won," Utgard-Loki said, sitting back on his throne. "Now you must be bound and she must be claimed."

I swallowed hard. I wasn't sure what that meant.

Guards brought Lesedi out. She was in a simple gown, her eyes puffy from crying. She looked stressed out. She saw me, and almost rushed to me, but stopped to look around. Ingemar looked away, and she looked at the chief.

"It seems your Captain was victorious," Utgard-Loki nodded. "Bring our shaman."

Whoa? What? I looked at Tony whose eyes got huge, and Thor, who frowned.

A frost giant entered dressed in robes and a headdress. He came with a silver rope and a shield in his hands.  It was a wedding of sorts, but instead of rings, they bound our hands together with the rope after pricking our fingers with a shard of ice to put our blood on it. binding it to the shield. There were no "I do's." We were told that we are  shield mates. I was a defender and protector of my ultimate possession, which was my mate, my ultimate sign of strength, worthiness, wealth and well-being. 

Lesedi was taken away, and I went after her.

"A word, Captain?"

I turned to Utgard-Loki. "Where are you taking my wife?"


"Wife is the Midgardian term for shieldmate," I spat out, annoyed at Loki's small smile. "Where are you taking her?"

"To move your things to her room. In our culture she and her things would be moved, but Loki is the only living family elder and made the choice." Utgard Loki answered simply. "You do understand your union seals your fate?"

"Yes." I said quickly.

"You must stand together?" He gave a small smile. "United in all things? You do realize you must become true mates so that your stand is bound and strong?"

I swallowed hard. Our "union" was in word, and the deed was to come; we had to consummate. Funny how that part doesn't really change no matter where you go. "I understand."

"In the morning, when your union is complete, you will be free to go."

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