Part 20: New Frontier

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Eve was soft and firm in all the right places. I kept running my hands up and down her sides, then over her shoulders just to go back up and start again. I kept inhaling her, tasting her. She started running her hands over my shoulders and chest, then raked my hair as we kept the kiss going...and going...

Next thing I knew I turned her on her side against the back of the couch. I kept pressing into her, and since she had nowhere to go, I was getting a real feel of her without using my hands. I turned her onto her back, wanting more, and she went right with me, reaching up and raking my back with her fingers, starting goosebumps over my skin. I nuzzled the neck of her suit open, and lightly kissed, bit, breathed...she gave a small cry as she arched to me, and I slowed, willing myself to try to stop.

Was this her first kiss?

I pulled back. She looked under a spell...and utterly desirable. "What?" Her voice was soft and husky, her eyes half open and looking like she was sending a silent invitation for me to keep going.

"Maybe, uh..." Damn, mine was too. I averted my eyes from hers but they fell down the front of her suit. The zipper moved back and forth, a sign that her breathing had quickened. "maybe we should take this....slow." My eyes rose to hers as I stopped my hands from running over her sides. She began to look hurt and embarrassed, and that was something I didn't want. I kissed her nose, making her smile, and rubbed my cheek against hers. She reciprocated, and I felt myself relax. I pulled back to look at her.

"Okay." She really seemed alright with it. "We do need time."

"Agreed."  Why was I staring at her lips again? She moistened them as if her mouth was dry, and I found myself doing the same.  "Water?"

"Um...yeah, sure, thanks."

Suddenly the door chimed. I rolled my eyes. "Clint."

"Clint and Natasha," she corrected. "I can smell her, too." She  hit the button and they came in. We sat up and straightened ourselves, but not seemingly fast enough.

Clint came into view first. "We heard what happened--" His steps slowed, and his eyes widened. He gave Natasha a look and nodded in our direction.

"Are you okay?" Natasha asked looking at us both. Her lips pursed in that way that looked like she was trying not to smile too widely or laugh.

"Okay." Eve gave a nod.

"Yeah, I don't think she'll be doing any of Fury's tests any time soon."

"Uh, nobody is going to do anything in that chamber anytime soon," Clint shrugged. "It's frozen solid, controls and all. They have to thaw out and then deal with water damage and then do repairs."

"Good, that means the subject won't be breached for some time then."


"But what gets me is this," I thought aloud. "Why do that? He was looking for something, a reaction, a sign--" I went through it all. "You've never done that, right?"

"Frozen anything like that?" Eve shook her head. "No. Dad told me not to."

"But you were threatened?" Natasha asked.

"Yeah, it got too hot in there, and I was being shot at with heat darts or something," her eyes lowered. "I didn't feel I had a choice. To tell you the truth I thought equipment was malfunctioning."

I closed my eyes for a second, remembering that scream that had me tearing a door down. I remembered the looks of the technicians-shock. But Fury-- "He knows."

"Knows what?"

"He knows Loki is your father," I said. "and he knows you're part frost giant. When I carried you out of the chamber, you had a blue tint to your skin."

Eve swallowed hard. "Loki doesn't have any cold power."

"Can you manipulate minds?"

"No, I can only feel their feelings, sometimes let mine be known."

"Let's make a list, here," I said. "You have cold powers, teleportation, speed and agility--"

"Dad gave me that," Eve interjected. "Dad gave me that."

We were all quiet for a moment. It had only been a month and she was still  grieving. "Your father gave you a lot of training, yes." I took a breath and gave on. "Weather manipulation, and empathy." I let my memory work.

Natasha frowned, joining me in thinking aloud. "Why is it so important that he know that?"

"Why is it so important that he know that now?"

Clint's watch went off. "Great, it's Fury." He clicked on. "Barton."

"Just wanted you to know that we have one more mission before you go home," Fury's voice came over the small speaker. "We'll need Widow and Cap, too."

"What is it?"

"We'll debrief you in the morning, you'll ship out in a day or two after. The homing beacon tells me you're at Eve's, Widow, too. Can you all hear me?"

"Yes." Natasha chimed in.

"Yessir." I answered. Natasha and Clint looked at me. It was reflex.

"In the a.m., then," Clint said, staring at me. "Over and out."

"We need to get rid of our tech," I said. "Any tech he can trace us with."

"Something's up," Clint shook his head. "Something's up."

"Yeah, I know." I said.

"Should I call Tony?" Natasha asked.

"For what?" Eve asked. She never really liked Tony.

I took a deep breath. "We don't want you left alone right now." I knew she was a little afraid of Tony, but he was the best for the job, especially on short notice, and he's just out of Fury's control and intel. We needed  something-someone-who was.

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