Dos: you're on!

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Carmen's POV- 8:27AM
After dropping Tony off at the elementary, we pulled into the school, still shaken by what had just happened. So shaken, I was taken aback when my other Earth shattering crisis was staring me in the face. My new fudging school.


"Don't 'uuughh', you'll be fine. Now get out, I'm going to be late." My mom told me with an eye roll.

Oh...shoot, I forgot she was here.

  I got out of the car and started walking up to the school. 'Edgewater high' said the huge letters hanging over the door. There was also a bill board, the kind where you can move around the letters and stuff, that said 'welcome to h-e double hockey sticks', It obviously spelled it out correctly though. I'm pretty sure it was also supposed to say Edgewater but some kids probably rearranged the letters.

  Today's youth, so reckless and immature.

  Isn't it hilarious?

  Anyway, I pulled open the door and took it all in. I scanned the lobby like area and — Holy shootnuggets is that hulk jr.?!?!

I blinked a few times to make sure I'm not just seeing things.

Blink, blink

Nope, he's real.

Once I realized this, I was just thankful he hasn't spotted me yet — he doesn't strike me as the type to forgive and forget. I tried to blend into the crowd so I can keep it this way, but he's so tall he towers over everyone and can see over them. I'm quite tall too for a girl, so I stick out a bit more than I'd like to.

Darn my large build. It's a blessing and a curse.

Maybe if I just don't face him my broad shoulders and tall-ish frame will make him think I'm a guy?

That's the dumbest thing I've ever said... or...thought. The hair, waist, and um... other things, are dead give aways.

Why am I stressing so much about this? It's making me not think straight.

  Oh wait, I remember. It's because he could break me in half in 5.7 seconds! Or less!

Wait, how did he beat me here? I was in a car and he was on foot.

Whatever that's not important.


  He started walking the opposite way I'm supposed to be headed, or at least I think so. This map is really confusing.

After walking the direction I thought I was supposed to be going for a few minutes I accepted the reality of the situation. I'm lost. Like, super lost. Like, more lost I ever thought someone could get in one passing period. This place is huge! Most of the buildings aren't even in use.

I'm going to be so late for class.


Yep. This is great. Now everyone is going to stare at me when I walk into the room.

"Excuse me, what are you doing in this section of the school?!" A woman in a pencil skirt and white button up shirt asked me.

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