Treintaiocho: Carmen's got a boyfriend, does she?

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Carmen's POV
  It's ten o'clock at night, and I'm sitting in a café with three other nobodies, holding a napkin to my nose to try and stop the blood flowing from it, so it doesn't make this booth look like a crime scene.

  Exactly what I wanted to be doing with my Saturday night.

  "Thanks for your help, guys," I told them for the billionth time.

  "It was no problem," Joey waved off.

  I looked to him and his bruising jaw. "Really? It was four against three. And I wouldn't consider getting into an unfair brawl "no problem"," I raised my brow.

  "Eh," Corey shrugged. "It was a pretty even fight. Jax dropped like a fly, and besides, I was on our team," he smirked arrogantly.

  We all rolled our eyes at his big headedness.

  But deep down, all of us know it's true.

  I sighed in annoyance at his arrogant, but not misplaced, confidence. All he had to do was glare at the guy at the controls to get him to release me.

  "Yeah, whatever Corey," Sam rolled her eyes, while holding her glass of ice to the part of her arm she fell on when she was thrown to the ground. "We calling it a night?" She asked the group.

  Everyone nodded grimly.

  "Yeah, I have to get at least some rest. I have work tomorrow morning. After that, I'm meeting Jax at the library to tutor him because, there's a big test Monday that he has to pass," I shook my head, rubbing my temples.

  "Really? You're gonna let the guy bully the crap out of you, then you're just going to turn around and help him?" Sam frowned.

  I let my hands leave my temples and fall to the table. "It's not for him. His grade is my grade," I shrugged, looking at Sam to see her reaction.

  She slouched over dejectedly. "That sucks."

  I nodded in agreement and widened my eyes for emphasis. "Tell me about it."


Sunday rolled around, and I woke up for my morning shift at work.

I bagged some groceries, stocked some shelves, helped some customers for a few hours, and that was pretty much the extent of my work day.

I got home a little later and decided to just leave my bike in the driveway, instead of putting it in the garage.

I walked up to the door, that to everyone else said, welcome to our little, comfy home. But, to me it said, welcome to your own personal h3ll. It's so interesting how much the world around you can change based on point of view.

I dragged my feet through the entrance of my "little, comfy home", and before I could even put my stuff down, I heard a ding from my phone.

Hey, I just remembered I'm banned from the city library. I'm on my way to your house now.


Jax, is that you?

Of course, who else?

First of all, how do you have my number?

A magician never reveals his secrets;)

Tell me.

Fine. Remember that time at school we took your phone and ran away with it?

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