Doce: Corey

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  "Carmen!" Ms. R said, trying to get my attention.

  "Huh? Sorry, what?" I said, snapping out of my day dream.

  She rolled her eyes. "I've called your name five times."


  "Mhm. Now, I need you and Jax to show me what you have done for your project," She said.

  My eyebrows furrowed. "I thought it wasn't due till next Friday," I told her.

  "It is. I'm just checking your progress. If you were listening you would have known that."

  I just chuckled awkwardly. "Haha... yeah."

  I looked at Jax and he shot me a glare. Probably telling me not to mention that he hasn't done squat. I just rolled my eyes and started telling Ms. R what I had done. Conveniently leaving out Jax's part in the project. Nothing!

  "Very good. Thank you," She told me. She looked at Jax. "How about you Jackson?"

  "Jax," He corrected, irritated.

  She rolled her eyes. "Jax."

  "I did a bunch of research," He said leaning back in his chair.

  "Oh, so you both did research?" She asked, looking between us.

  "That's certainly what it sounds like," I said with a smile.

  Jax sent me a fierce glare. Not as fierce Mark's have been towards me lately but, fierce nonetheless.

  Ms. R gave me a confused look, then rolled her eyes, yet again, and continued going around the room checking people's progress.

A few minutes later, ring.

I went to all my classes, getting the usual glares along the way. Sam and Joey are getting their new usual treatment too. People are being a lot more forward about their disdain for them in the form of being a complete and utter douchebags, but they seem to be handling it well. Or at least as well as you can handle something like that. I try to help them but, Sam hates it when I do, and it usually just infuriates their attackers even more.

Uuggghhh! I hate feeling helpless! And no matter what Joey says, I'm still going to feel responsible for the crap they're going through.


Yes! No more school for two days!

Okay, it's too early in the year to be this tired of school.

"Ooohh," I heard a bunch of people yell.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Sounds like it's coming from behind the school.

Before I turned the corner I heard a hard impact. Then another. And another. When I finally got there, there was a group of people surrounding what I'm pretty sure is safe to assume is a fight. I couldn't see exactly who was fighting but it looked like it was getting pretty crazy.

Without thinking, I squeezed through the crowd and onto the battlefield to find hulk Jr on top of Mark. My eyes widened at the sight.

Before I could even begin to think straight, something nobody expected to happen, happened. Mark got the lead. He was now pinning THE HULK'S COUSIN onto the ground in Corey's previous position.

For the second time this week my jaw dropped so far and fast, it nearly broke off. I looked at everyone else and they looked just as surprised but, of course, they were excited about the new turn of events.

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