Cuarenta y dos: In Their Hands

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Jax's POV
I watched her as she sat down and struggled to pick up her food with her injured hands. She looks agitated. No doubt being interrogated.

I caught a few confused glances looking my way because of where my attention was directed, so I slapped on a disgusted face and tuned back into the conversation that was going on at my table. I immediately got bored, so I zoned back out. They're always either making fun of people, talking about girls, or discussing football. It gets old.

Don't get me wrong, I've been tight with these guys for years, and Mark is my best friend, but it feels like I've had this same conversation a hundred times.

  I pretended to be invested for a few more minutes then found myself turning back towards Carmen.

  Why do I keep looking at her?!

  Maybe because I feel bad for getting her in trouble? But, that doesn't make any sense. I put effort into trying to get that girl into trouble here at school.

  I pinched the bridge of my nose. Why did I pay for her lunch? I wasn't thinking straight. It just. . . happened. Sort of like my head keeps turning in her direction now. It's just. . . Happening.

  Suddenly, the conversation seemed to change over at the freaks' table, and Carmen glanced around warily. I furrowed my eyebrows as I watched her make a wobbly and almost painful looking transition from sitting to standing. The others followed.

  Where're they going?

  Maybe that's why I keep looking at her. Haven't had a good laugh at her expense in a while.

I stood up to follow them and got the attention of my table. "Hey, where you going?" Mark questioned absentmindedly.


Why did I lie to him? I should be inviting him.

Whatever, too late to go back now.

I started heading after them. After leaving the cafeteria I stayed a good distance away, so they wouldn't suspect anything.

  I followed them a good distance, then I heard the footsteps around the corner stop. I carefully peaked my head around and found them a few feet away making themselves comfortable on the floor in a semi circle. Carmen closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Alright, you guys ready for this?" She said, opening her eyes.

  Um. . . Am I about to witness the initiation for a cult or something?

  Don't ask why that's the first thing that came to mind.

I studied the group's faces, and they are all solemn. Only justifying my theory even more.

"No," Joey almost whispered. There was a pause. "But, tell us anyway."

My face fell into a straight line.

Am I about to hear something I shouldn't?

Should I leave?

  "It's really nothing —" Carmen sputtered out suddenly before she was cut off by her friends yelling her name. Almost answering my question.

  Okay, even I don't believe that.

  "Fine!" She responded putting her hand on her forehead. "Just, please take it down a notch. I'm getting a headache," she explained quietly.

  They did as she said.

  "My stepdad and stepbrother are jerks," she pronounced with a shaky voice.

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