Quince: Nerd!

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Jax's POV- 5th period. Monday.
  Carmen walked into class with Joey by her side.

They look like they're having a nice conversation. Now, what's a good way to ruin it?

She ran into my desk because of how distracted she was with the conversation.


"Oh, sorry," She said before turning around.

When she saw it was me, her sincere expression went flat. "I retract my apology."

"Ew. Trash was on my desk," I said leaning away with a disgusted expression, referring to our little prank earlier this morning.

The class chuckled.

She rolled her eyes and walked to her desk with Joey. I noticed Joey was glaring at me as he was walking away. So, I shot him one back.

Little protective, eh?

I smirked. Good to know.

"Hey Joey-"

"Alright class, you've got your first unit test, so there will be absolutely no talking, and if you do, you're out," Mr. Martin cut me off and threw his thumb over his shoulder, pointing towards the door.

Aw man, I had a good one.

Everyone gave him confused looks and he picked up on it, and added, "you're out of the class, and you'll be getting a zero on the exam."

Everyone groaned.

He looked up sharply and said, "starting now."

Everyone shut up real quick.

Probably because of his reputation for failing students if they get on his bad side, which are all his sides.

Everyone finished the test pretty quickly, so Mr. Martin decided to torture us with a lecture the rest of class. Then hand out a pop-quiz to make sure everyone was paying attention. After the pop-quiz was over he gave another lecture, and another work sheet.

How long is this class?!

Not even five minutes later, I turned to see Carmen reading a book.

I rolled my eyes. Weirdo.

"Excuse me, Miss Hart," Mr. Martin hissed.

She only barely glanced up from her book then went back to reading.

I looked to see how Mr. Martin felt about this, and he looks pissed. Probably mad that little miss perfect couldn't give him the time of day.

"Miss Hart," He said sharply, now steaming mad.

Haha. This should be good.

He walks around his desk and starts heading towards the back of the room, where she is. "Does this look like English? NO it's world history! So you shouldn't have your face in any book other than your text book!"

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