Treintaicinco: Let's Do Something Fun

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Guys, Josh and my mom won't be home this weekend. We should do something fun.
Pass it on.

I folded up the piece of paper and waited for Ms Garza, our human services teacher, to turn her back to the class.

  I leaned over to Sam and gave her the note. I saw her eyes scan over it and she looked over to me with a mischievous grin. The same kind she had when we were planning to go on our little field trip from camp. She gave me a nod.

  She tapped Corey on the shoulder, who was sitting in the seat in front on her, and handed him the note. When he was done reading over it, he turned to look at me. He wrote something on the piece of scratch paper then started reaching over to Joey's seat. In the middle of their exchange though, Ms Garza turned from the bored to face us. He had to retract his hand and pretended he was stretching.

  Ms Garza raised a suspicious eyebrow at him, and her eyes flickered between the two boys, but she just proceeded to say what she had to say, ignoring the suspicious scene.

I can't tell you what she was saying exactly because, I wasn't paying attention, but I'm sure it had something to do with humans and services.

She turned back to the bored and started writing something that I'm sure I'm supposed to be taking notes on. Corey began out stretching his arm again, and this time, the note made it to Joey's hand. He skimmed it and was about to write something on it when,


His head shot up, and his eyes widened into saucers at the sound of his full name being called by Ms Garza.

"Are you passing notes in my class?!" She roared.

Joey was like a deer in the headlights.

  Passing notes is a serious offense in this class. It's the equivalent to murder. Ms Garza will come down on you hard for it.

  Why is beyond me.

  Ms Garza took a swift step towards Joey, to grab the note presumably, but Joey did something completely unexpected.

  He shoved the thing in his mouth.

  Ms Garza stopped in her tracks.

  I heard Sam trying to stifle her laughter from beside me, and Corey chuckled.

  Joey tried to smile at the confused teacher with a mouth full of paper. I let out a snort.

  I heard a gulping sound and, I had to cover my mouth to keep from filling the room with laughter. Sam and Corey were having the same problem.

  Joey put on a crooked — but paperless — smile and peered up to Ms Garza. "Just a Little snack Miss."

  Chuckles could be heard escaping our lips.

  Ms Garza stared at him confusedly for a few seconds then just shook her head and turned around. "Kids these days," she mumbled under her breath.

  "Bbuuurrrpp" a huge belch escaped Joey's lips, and he clamped a hand over his mouth.

  More snickers sounded through the room. Especially between the three of us.

  Our teacher whipped around. "Joseph!" She exclaimed again, horrified.

  "Sorry Miss, it was that. . . Snack," he shuttered.

  She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "See to it that it doesn't happen again."

  Joey nodded.

  Eventually, when Ms Garza had gotten back into the lesson, he turned around in his chair to face me.

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