Please please please read:)

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Soooo, I have a chapter coming up right after this(yes I'm coming out of hibernation, I'm a busy bee, sorry y'all), but I really need an opinion on this, and if I don't get one, then I guess that's my answer.

  BUT, I'm gonna ask anyway. The next chapter will be chapter 50, now that's a pretty high number, and the story is literally nowhere near over, as you all can probably tell, there are still so many problems to solve and adventures to go on. And yes, believe it or not, I do have the plot of this story planned out, it's just the small stuff in between the major points that still need to be thought up.

SO, what I'm asking is, sequel? I mean the story is NOWHERE near finished and if I try to cut it short it won't be tied up in a nice little bow, and I won't have closure, so I'll probably end up doing it anyway, but if no one's gonna read it(like literally no one, I mean, my standards are pretty low as it is, but if NO ONE comments) then I'll take my time and work on other projects. BUT if you guys(you guys, as in all the three people seeing this) show you'd actually be interested I could try staying on top of it. (TRY. I really am a very busy bee lately. But I love writing, and the few comments I get, I love reading, so I'll try and make time<3)

That's pretty much all this little note was for, but to those few commenters, and even ghost readers who have made it this far, thanks for reading<3 Hopefully you follow to the second book, whenever that becomes a thing. Didn't plan that thoroughly, so I don't even know when this book is gonna end, but watch out for it:).

  "Why do you write like you're running out of time?"
- Arron Burr to A. Hamilton in Hamilton the musical a.k.a my jam.

-LorE out<3

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