Veintitres: Uuggghhh.

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"So, you're seriously just going to pretend half the stuff we talked about yesterday didn't happen?" Joey said with a raised eyebrow.

  "I have no idea what you're talking about," I shrugged with only one shoulder, to save myself from a spike of pain running through my whole arm.

  Sam rolled her eyes. "C'mon! You can't just reveal something like that then pretend you have no idea what we're talking about."

  I turned to her with a cheeky smile. "Can too."

  "Uuggghhh!" They all groaned for like the tenth time this morning. They've been grilling me science Corey and I finished talking half an hour ago, and I have been the opposite of cooperative.

  Jeez, these three are persistent.

"It's nothing. Really." I waved them off. "So, we should just stop talking about it. Also, I don't need you guys seeing me differently because of it. I'm still me."

"But, it does make things different," Sam said.

My lips formed a straight line. This is exactly why I wanted to keep it from them. I don't want their pity, and they have much more important things to worry about than me.

"Not for me," Joey shrugged. "But I do have the overwhelming urge to cause your stepdad to have an "accident"."

I chuckled at that. "Be my guest."

His facial expression changed to something between excitement and the face someone makes when they're about to do something stupid. Seeing this, I backtracked immediately. "I was kidding."


He just nodded and sat back in his chair.

Something tells me he didn't take my previous statement into much consideration.


Oh well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

"So, what do you think they're serving for lunch today?" I changed the subject.

Corey rolled his eyes. "Why does the conversation always go back to food with you?"

Because, it always gets people's attentions.

"Because, food is LIFE," I said instead.

This is also true.

"And! I didn't get breakfast," I whined, crossing my arms. "I'm hungryyyy."

Joey rubbed his hand over his stomach. "I did, and it was deeeelicious." He gave me a toothy grin.

  I pouted and gave puppy dog eyes. I don't mind if they give me pity in this case, if it gets me food, I couldn't care less.

  Corey rolled his eyes. "Not really. That stuff tastes like cardboard."

  Sam nodded and I chuckled in response.

  A second after, the nurse-doctor-person, that I really need to learn the name of, walked in. "Hi, I'm here to put another cover on your head injury," She said cheerily, but when she got closer she gasped. "Why wasn't I notified it started bleeding again!"

  Everyone turned their attention to the gash in my head and went wide eyed, as if they're just now becoming aware of it's existence.

  Their reactions made me curious and a little concerned so, I raised my hand, and it seemed to know exactly where to go to reach the gash on my head. Before it got there though, everyone jumped up and yelled, "No!"

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