Treintaiuno: Ouch

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"Miss Hart," I heard a distant voice call.

I didn't respond. I'm too busy slaying the fearsome dragon to respond.

"Miss Hart," it called again, sounding more annoyed this time.

Again, I ignored it.

The fight has been going on for what feels like ages, but I finally have the upper hand. I'm not losing it because I was distracted by a little voice. I was about to deliver the finishing blow to the scaly menace, when the earth tilted and threw me to the side. One moment, I was falling into the forest floor, the next I was sprawled out on the tile surface I recognized from the other times I had face planted into it.

I'm on the floor of my beloved school. And, what I thought was the earth tilting, was just Alex tilting my desk to throw me out of it. Ripping me from dream world, back to this nightmare-ish reality.

My classmates erupted into laughter. My sides and chest erupted into pain, but what's the big deal about that? Just a girl with broken bones being thrown to the floor right in front of a teacher.

"Thank you for waking her, Alex," Mr Sanders, my computer skills teacher, remarked, not taking his glare off me.

  I rolled my eyes. Then the adult thanks him for it.

  Alex chuckled. "No problem."

  "Now, Miss Hart-"

  "Feel free to call me Carmen," I gave him a bitter sweet smile, carefully standing up and dusting myself off.

"Miss Hart," He continued, completely ignoring me. "Would you care to tell me about the battle we were just discussing?"

I stared at him. "Not particularly."

It was his turn to smile bitter sweetly. "Too bad, answer the question."

I sighed. "We both know I don't know what it was."

"Oh we do!" He said, mocking astonishment. "Well, in that case, you'll be joining Mrs Ram in detention after school today, Miss Hart," He smiled — a real smile. He truly loves seeing his students suffer.

I took the red slip with the annoyingly big letters with a sigh, slouching down into my chair.

Then I perked up a bit. At least now, I don't have to go home right after school. More buffering time between now and. . . Him.

The infernal douchebag.


  The last bell rang, and while everyone else rejoiced and headed home, I trudged my way to the library for detention.

  Just because it's a buffer, doesn't mean I'll enjoy it.

  I slumped into my chair and looked around. The library is deserted. Not a single soul accompanies me in detention today.

  I mean, Mrs Ram is here, but I'm pretty sure it's safe to say she doesn't poses a soul under that ungenerous exterior.

  I sighed and got out a book to read.

  A few minutes later, I heard the door to the library creak open, then shut. I'm way too engrossed in my book to be curious about who the new comer is, so I didn't check.

  I didn't look up to investigate until they pulled out the chair on the other side of the table, and sat themselves down.

  I glanced up.


  Jax is sitting at my table.

  I glowered at him, but then went back to reading. He's not interesting enough for my attention, especially compared to this book.

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