Cuarenta y seis: Story Time

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I sighed. "Fine, you wanna know what you're working with? Here's what you've got. No boys, no one comes over to the house, no one knows about the situation at the house, no jobs, no entering his office, no one on your contacts list he doesn't approve of, no arguing(my hobby), no noise, no coming home late(another thing I'm prone to), no leaving without his permission, no disrespect(ha), and last, but not least, no saying 'no'," I rambled. "And you DO NOT want to see what happens when you break any of these. So, good luck finding loopholes to jump through to even get whatever you think you can do done."

". . . Okay —"

I cut Joey off. "Oh, and he's also not very fond of when he comes home and dinner's not ready," I rolled my eyes. "So when my mom can't, that task falls upon me or my EIGHT YEAR OLD BROTHER," I yelled.


"That doesn't really have anything to do with you, it just gets on my nerves," I angrily — but tenderly — crossed my arms over my chest.

Joey waited, then after I didn't say anything else, proceeded cautiously. "Okay. . . Well you've obviously gotten away with braking a few of the rules already. It shouldn't be too hard to brake a few more without getting you in trouble to get what we need done done."

I raised an eyebrow. "And what would you be needing done exactly?"

"That's for me — and obviously eventually Sam and Corey — to know and you to hopefully not find out until completely necessary," he grinned.

"'Cause if we end up going with what I have in mind. . . You will not like it," He tacked on.

Oh, great.

"How did you already concoct a plan in that crazy mind of yours?" Sam shook her head.

"It's an outline of a plan," he explained.

  "Ah, so in other words, you have no idea," Corey cut in bluntly.

"I do too!" He argued.

Cory's eyebrows raised. "Really? One that won't get Carmen into deep sh*beep*?"

"Well. . . It's a work in progress," Joey mumbled.

  I shook my head. "Oh, you guys are amusing."

  Everyone looked confused. "Why?" They questioned in unison.

  "Talking like you can actually do something. I mean, no offense. I love you for it, but. . . There's really nothing you guys can do," I told them truthfully.

  "Well we can at least try —"

  "No," I cut Sam off more sternly. "I don't want you all wasting your time, and I certainly don't want you guys getting hurt."

  "Oh c'mon, we —"

  "Guys!" I interrupted again. But this time Joey was trying to get a word out. "PROMISE me you won't do anything stupid," I nearly begged. "I know you want to, but this is something you just can't fix."

  "We —"

  "I won't give you anymore information about my home life until you do," I put my foot down. "Sincerely!"

  They stayed silent.

  "I promise," Corey said after the pause. He looked at me. "We promise."

  "Cross our hearts," he added.

  He did the motions.

  That cheesy dork.

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