once: Joey

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  It's Wednesday, and Sam has not been having a great week so far. She gets pushed around and people say mean crap to her. Good thing she's a little sassafras, or else she may not have gotten this far into the week. I'm still getting the cold shoulder from everyone, and I can't help but think Mark had something to do with things changing for Sam.

  "Screw off!" I heard someone near me hiss.

  I turned around and saw Joey and Alex surrounded by a group of kids, looking pissed.

  "Aw. Why? Just having a little fun." Alex said putting Joey in a head lock and roughly ruffling his hair.

  Joey got out of it and glared at him.

  "Oh, come on. We do it to all the new football members." He said "playfully" punching Joey in the arm. . . Multiple times.

  "That sounds a lot like hazing," I cut in.

  What can I say? I'm nosy, and Alex is being a douche. But what else is new?

  He turned to me, deadpanned. "Stay outta this."

  Ha! Sure, like that's going to happen.

I was about to say something else when Alex roughly shoved Joey into the lockers. "Sorry, didn't see you there. See you at practice later," He said with a grin.

Are you kidding me?!?!

'Sorry didn't see you there.' He was right in front of you! The entire time! Are you blind?!

  Joey stayed glaring at his back.

  "You good?" I asked, walking up to him

  His glare dropped and he looked at me. "Yeah," He said with a shrug. "No harm no foul." He gave a weak smile and started strolling away, without another word.

I'm not sure if that saying applies to this situation.

The warning bell rang, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I went to my next class, which is 3rd period study hall, and ended up going to the library for some research for the project Jax and I are supposed to be doing together. But maybe it's better this way, I won't have to deal with anyone pestering me the entire time.

  Instead of going for the books, first I went to the computers in the back because, let's be honest, You can find something on the internet twice as fast as you can with a book.

  I heard the door open but, didn't look up. I had just found what I was looking for.

  "Leave. Me. Alone," I heard who I guess is Joey say sternly.

I glanced up and saw Mark's whole wolf pack bickering with him. Mark, Alex, Sean, and Jax were there. I get messing with the new guys on your team but, Sean isn't on the football team.

The guys kept bickering and things started looking a little heated. I scooted out of my chair to go try and calm things down. Then, I paused.

No. People don't like it when you bud in.

I thought about this and decided to sit back down. I went back to my work on the computer.


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