Veintinueve: STEP-father*

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"We're free!" Joey yelled, after the bus was able to be started up, At last!

  It took 6 hours and 5 people to fix the dang thing, but hey, it works. . . To a degree.

  It's going to move at a snail's pace, and it's highly probable we're going to get stuck on the side of the road, BUT we only need it to get somewhere where there's reception. Then, we can call someone to pick us up and declare the bus' last ride. That thing's not going anywhere after this little trek. It's on its last smidge of life.

  May it rest in pieces.


  "Okay everyone! I want you all to call your parents and tell them their vacation from your ugly faces is coming to an end," Coach Brown announced over the bus of kids. "You are also going to explain to them why it lasted a few days longer than it was supposed to. . . Or don't. . . They probably don't care either way."

  One of the other PTA members gave Coach a look. "I'm sure they were worried sick about you," She nodded at us.

  Coach mumbled something incoherent under his breath.

  I'm sure it was something about how he agrees 110% with her because, that's just the kind of ray of sunshine he is.

  They handed back all the phones, and everyone got to calling their parents.

  When I got mine back, I just stared at the screen full of missed calls and angry text messages.

  Saying that I was anxious would be an understatement.

  The only reason I was able to go on this trip was because Josh was on a business trip for the weekend. But now, he's been back for a day or two...

And I'm screwed. He hates when I go out without asking him. Actually he hates when I go out, period. So the whole, him not knowing thing, will just be a cherry on the terrible, terrible cake.

Not that I was dying to go to this rodent infested camp, where the other campers had free range of my tent, to put all sorts of fun things in my sleeping bag, while I wasn't in the vicinity. I needed it for a grade though. You can't go to junior year without a P.E or art credit, So I chose the lesser of two evils.

  The bullies will just have to deal with their place at the bottom of my priorities list, for the time being.

  I want to get out of school and out from under my douchebag of a step-dad's control, as soon as possible. Flunking a grade would not help me do that.

  Probably wouldn't help me in the bullies department either.

  So, this trip was definitely necessary for me and my sanity. Another year of high school, another year of him, would be a NIGHTMARE. One that I don't think I could handle living through.

Hey Mom.

Birth giver:
Where the he!! have you been for the last few days! You were supposed to be back days ago! I nearly had a heart attack! And you're father... you're father's NOT happy.

  Surprise, surprise.

  . . . Wait, she was worried about me? I actually am surprised. . .

  . . . Nah, probably just worried about having to pay more for my longer stay.


Birth giver:
Don't correct me! And YOUR STEP-father is NOT happy! Actualy he's furious! There won't be any added expenses for the trip will there?

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