Dieciocho: We're going on a trip.

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  Ms. pencil skirt is standing on a chair barking out orders to over 100 kids scrambling to get onto two buses.


You remember her right? That super nice lady who helped me find my way all the way to the office on my first day here, and even better, detention. Yay!(the sarcasm is real) Only now, in the place of her usual get-up, she's wearing (very, very, short) track shorts and a Nike shirt. Why she looks like she's about to (try to) run a marathon is beyond me. We're going camping, and there were specific instructions to wear clothes that cover your body, so that your skin doesn't get demolished by the wonderful world of bugs and poisonous plants we have the privilege of coming into contact with, for the next few days.

  Of course, all caution was thrown to the wind when the female staff members were informed coach Brown, the PTA "eye candy"(I do not use those quotation marks lightly), would be chaperoning this trip as well.

  Aside from all the things that make me wish I was blind at the moment — the sight of staff desperation — the camp sight's going to be beautiful, judging by the pictures I found.

Apparently, the school takes this trip every year. Well, part of the school. Only the kids in this club go. It's called SPAT (I have literally no idea what it stands for), and it's for kids who aren't in any sort of art or PE class. Just because we need the credits to graduate. It's supposed to be for like 'team building' and 'leadership skills'.

Yeah, right.

  "Okay, everyone on the bus! If you're not on within the next 3 minuets we're leaving without you!" Ms. Pencil skirt yelled over the rowdy kids.

  "Oh C'mon Ms. P, you couldn't possibly leave little'ol me," Joey said grinning up at her.

She rolled her eyes. "Why do you insist on calling me that? My name doesn't even start with a P!"

Joey and I gave each other knowing looks — He may or may not be in on my nickname for her — and walked away chuckling. Leaving Ms. Pencil skirt standing on her chair, confused.

We got on the bus and *gasp* what'd you know, Corey and Sam are the only ones sitting alone! Has the world turned upside down? (I'm just a sarcasm fairy today aren't I?)

I know what you're thinking. 'How is THE hulk jr not a football or wrestling star?' Well my friends, the answer to that is simple. Mark.

Okay, maybe it's not so simple.

As we know, Mark and Corey aren't too fond of each other. In fact, at the moment they despise each other.

Although, according to Joey, they weren't always like that. Apparently, they used to respect each other — to a degree. They played together and won together. Corey was never part of Mark's wolf pack, but they didn't treat him like the dirt beneath their feet, like the do with everybody else.

Probably because they were afraid he would rearrange all the bones in their faces with his fist.

Anyway, he did rule over the football field and wrestling mat (apparently he only 'dabbled' in basketball) all through middle school and freshman year, but, as we all know, there's something about this year that's different from last. Mark has it out for him. So, all our theories are that Mark payed off the coach to kick him off the football team 'cause, it wasn't the fights he gets into that got him kicked off. For one, athletes get the privilege of the blind eye, and he's been getting into fights for years. Why would they all of a sudden feel like doing something about it?

In result of all that chaos, here we are.

Sam and Corey are in seats opposite each other, and Joey (because of his lack of an art credit) and I have a choice between the two.

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