Treintaisiete: Bird's Eye View

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Sam's POV
  "Um, guys, can you save my spot? I was going to wait to go to the restroom until we got off, but. . . That doesn't seem like it's going to be happening any time soon," Carmen pointed at the long line.

"Sure, we'll save your place," Corey responded.

"Thanks." She walked off.

We stepped into line and a few minutes of not moving a centimeter later, I realized Carmen was very wise to go to the restroom before she got in line.

I'm gonna go when she comes back.

But, she never did. At least thirty minutes later she still hadn't shown up.

"Well, is it," Joey whispered the next part. "Her time of the month."

I scowled at him. "It doesn't take half an hour for a girl to go to the restroom," I whispered the next part just to make fun of him. "Even, on her time of the month."

Joey shrugged. "Well how am I supposed to know?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Well, is she? She might have gone to get some chocolate or something," Corey cut it.

I narrowed my eyes at them, and gave them a look. "I don't know."

Joey's eyebrows furrowed together. "But isn't that stuff like. . . Synchronized?"


"Yeah, that's what I always thought," Corey pitched in.

"No, that is definitely not how it works," I shook my head.

"Then how does it work?" Joey questioned.

"Well. . . No! I'm not having this conversation. Look it up."

They both shrugged and pulled out their phones. I rolled my eyes at them.


Maybe she did go get some chocolate or something, though.

After a hole millennium later we are about to get on the ride.

"One thousand years later," Joey said in the spongebob squarepants narrator voice.

We hopped into the car for the Ferris wheel, figuring Carmen decided to get something else to eat, instead.

The car we are in started climbing and climbing until we stopped, nearly at the top.

It's almost like you can just reach out and grab a star.

But I'm not going to try because, I don't want to look like an idiot.

"Wow, the park looks great at night," Corey commented with an interesting look in his eye. It wasn't dreamy, like you would expect someone saying something like that to look. It was intent and thoughtful.

I wonder what goes on in that thick skull of his.

"Yeah, you can see everything from up here," I added.

"Yeah," Joey said leaning so far over the edge of the car, one little push would send him plummeting to his death.

Why am I like this?

"Wait, is that Carmen?" He pointed, squinting his eyes towards the ground.

"What? Where?" I asked out of curiosity, also leaning over the edge, to get a better view.

"Y'know, a strong gust of wind can turn you both into street pizza if you don't stop leaning over the side," Corey raised his brow.

At least I'm not the only one.

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