cinco: I'm such a rebel

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Ha! I've already gotten into two fights and I have detention for getting lost. How ironic.

Oh shoot, I have detention and hulk Jr wants me to meet him after school. Dang it, now he's gonna think I chickened out.

  Y'now what, fudge detention. I'm ditching.

Man, I'm such a rebel.

  I'm hoping to talk my way out of this one, though. I hate fighting, but I'm not afraid of it. It's so stupid, and I hate it even more when I'm going against the hulk!

  The day went on and now I'm walking to eighth period. One more class to go. How am I already sick of school? It's the first day.

  I was staring down at my new map, and I ran into someone. All the stuff they were holding went every which way onto the floor.


  "Watch it!" Someone cut me off.

  It took me a second to process everything, but, when I did, I realized I had run into Mia. Hulk Jr was the one who cut me off.

"You again?!" Hulk Jr yelled.

Everyone in the hallway fell silent and started staring at us.


"I know I said after school, but I don't think I can wait." He said balling his fists and stepping closer to me. Cutting me off, yet again.

"Well, I'm going to have to ask you to, 'cause I'm on my way to athletics, and that's the least painful period of the day." I told him.

Other than lunch, of course.

"Oooohhs" erupted from our audience.

He shook his head. "First you screw with me, then my sister! Big mistake."

Mia's his sister? Ha! Funny how things work out.

Mia looked up at her brother, confused. Then started picking up her stuff.

"You're lucky there are so many people around." He growled.

"What? Don't want any witnesses?" I mocked.

"Exactly." He said darkly.

Okay...that one actually sent a shiver down my spine, but I recovered.

I rolled my eyes and bent over to pick up Mia's notebook.

Guys payed attention intently to that part. Creeps.

"Sorry, Mia." I said handing her her notebook. I gave a side glance to hulk Jr, "See you after school," I spat at him bitterly.

Not a huge fan of people judging me based on an unfortunate event, but I digress — not a huge fan of being bitter, either. I walked between them and didn't look back.

  . . .

  Okay, maybe I took a little peak. The Giant, that made the F-boy look like a shrimp in comparison, was standing wide eyed with the most confused and shocked look on his face. He looked to Mia for answers and she just shook her head and face palmed herself.

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