I'm New (PEWDIEPIE fanfic)

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Codi's POV

"The lungs exchange oxygen with the capillaries." my science teacher, Mr. Young said. It's kind of ironic how he is like 4 million but his name is the opposite...

Ok, so you are probs like, "Ummm, ok who are you and what's going on?!?" Well calm your hormones I'm getting there!

My name is Codi Connors. I'm 17, and I attend Jefferson High.

Like every other teenager I have a group of friends. It's like the 2couples and 2 loners... just kidding, there's only 1 loner.

Couple 1.) Sam and Luke

Couple 2.) Brooke and Casey

Loner.) Me

So,thats my friends and we are currently in 7th period, and suffering through science...

5 minutes until the bell rings. "Ok! we are running low on time but just a heads up, there is going to be a new student in home room 207. " Mr. Young announced.

That's our home room!

*BEEEEEEP* the bell finally rang and Sam, Brooke, Casey and I went to meet Luke, in home room. "Hey! guys over here!" Luke shouted across home room. " You guys wanna come over?" I asked. "Can't. I got Lax prctice." Answered Luke. "Me neither, I got track." Responded Brooke "I got detention..." said Casey. "What did you do??" Asked Sam. "I forgot the homework at my mom's house." he answered

"What about you,Sam?" I asked. "As long as we have a Shane Dawson marathon..." she suggested "Deal!" I said

------skip le boring car ride home------ Sam's POV

"So who do you think the new kid is? I heard he's from Sweden!" I said.

"I hope he is cute!! I'm sick of being a loner!! You have Luke, and Brooke has Casey." Codi exclaimed.

"You'll find your true love one day." I told her.

"Ew. How do you know? my "true love" might be stuck in a tree or something!!"

"Oh shut up! You will find love!" I shouted.

"Ok, I'm sick of this conversation! let's watch some Shane Dawson!!" she shouted. You see, we have this small (huge) crush(addiction) to youtube. We share Shane but Joey Graceffa is mine! I let her have Jc Caylen and Connor Franta. We ran up to Codi's room and were about to turn on he computer when,"HOLD ON!!!" she shouted and ran into the kitchen. A few seconds later she ran back in with 2 pickle jars and a bag of tortilla chips. "gurl you know me too well." I said, in my amazingly stupid accent and we began dipping the chips into the jars. Don't judge us! That stuff is flreaking amazing! Codi logged into her you tube account and went to Shane Dawson's page. A new video collab of Shane and Joey was up!!!! Codi clicked on it and we saw that it was another omegle video. Shane was typing in emo when we heard the front door open. "Hun, I'm home!" Codi's mom shouted. I looked at Codi with wide eyes as she scurried to switch the video. She would be infuriated if she found out about us watching Shane!!! I winced as I heard her moms footsteps climb the staircase. "Sam and I are in my room mom!" she shouted. I looked back at her and she had put on a gospel song ang was sitting Indian style, holding her hands like she was praying. I quickly copied her actions just as her mom entered her bed room.

Codi's POV

"Hun, I'm home!" I heard my mom shout from the front door. Sam looked at me with wide eyes as I switched the video to some random gospel song and sat Indian style. Sam copied me just as my mom entered. "Hi girls. how was your day?" she asked. "Good, we get a new student tomorrow." Sam said, knowing that I can't say anything coherent when I'm hiding something. "Sam your mom texted me and asked me to tell you that she wants you home for dinner." my mom said. "Ok, thank you Mrs. Connors." Sam said, smirking at the end knowing that my mom hates that; she thinks it makes her sound old... I looked at the clock and it read 6:30. Geez, time flies when your falling in love with Youtubers who will never know of our exsistence.

"Bye Codester!" she shouted as she walked out the door.

"Bye Sami Sam Sam!" I shouted back.

"Let's go out for fro-yo!" my mom shouted and ran out the door. Well waddled considering she was in heels.

I looked down to see that I still had on my denim shorts and superman shirt. I got up and put on my black converse, and superman snapback.

"I'll meet you in the car mom!" I shouted and ran to the car.

Once I got into the car I took out my iPhone and played angry birds.

When I got into the car I saw that she had changed and was wearing her casual clothes which consist of skinny jeans, nikes, and a checkered shirt.

-------------skip le car ride-------------

We were now sitting in the fro-yo shop. "Your dad and Jordan are coming home from the boy scout thing tomorrow morning. You probobly won't see them in the morning." my mom said. Jordan,my brother, and my dad went on a camping trip so Jordan could do some thing for boyscouts. "ok, cool" I stated plainly, too busy eating my fro-yo to care about anything. Tomorrow's Friday!! I wonder what the new kid is like, I know he is Swedish, but I wonder what he's like...

When we got home it was 9:30. Wow only my mom and I can spend 3 hours eating fro-yo. I figured I should probably go to bed so I gave my mom a hug and said goodnight.

I went to bed with the thought of the new boy on my mind.....


Hey, so I don't know if anyone will read this, but I promise the chapters will get longer and our dear Felix will appear in the next chapter.

I update on Teusdays and when ever I have free time sooo........

I'm going to vacate the premises now....bye!


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