Chapter 22

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Destery's POV

I looked over at Codi and she gave me the signal to follow her.

I slowly snuck around the corner and we saw the front door.

So close to freedom.

We had gotten a couple other patients to help us escape.

"Grandpa!' Anna, one of the patients that was helping us shouted.

"What are you doing out of bed Anna?" one of the guards said attracting the attention of the rest of them.

"You'll never catch me Alive!!!!" she started and directed them in the opposite direction sending us a wink.

We bolted for the front door and ran out of that place faster then, uhh......faster then fast!

Once we were off the property we stopped in an alley way.

"What now?" Codi asked.

"Now, your mine..." i answered.

"What do you mean?" She asked sounding alittle nervous.

"I'm going to take you to a place where no one will ever Find us. there you can forget about Felix, and Jackson and we can spend the rest of out lives together." I said.

"I'm Confused I thought you were my frie-"

"Nope! If you friend zone me then I will just make it worse for you in the lovely warehouse." I cut her off.

"Why are you doing this? You are soo much better then this." she asked.

"Because I love you! Don't you know what it feels like to have some one you love not love you back?!?" I shouted.

She quivered and cowerd (i think that is how You spell that) back into the corner, shaking her head no.

------time skip to le Ware house-----

I watched her as she started to move alittle.

I felt like Edward Cullen, watching her unconcious.

The only down side is I am not a vampire.

Damn... that would be cool though!

Getting off track!

I noticed her stirring and watched as she opened her eyes and looked around in confusion.

Once relization covered her confusion I decided to say something.

"Morning darlin."

Felix's POV

We were driving to the Air port and we passed a boy crying on the sidewalk.

Wait.... is that LUKE?!!'!

I pulled over the car and got out.

"Luke?" i said walking over and placing my hand on his shoulder.

"I let her go." was all he said before getting up and sitting in the back of the car.

Well okay then.

I got back in and noticed Jordan yawning so I said, "Hey Jordan, why don't You sit in the back so you can rest it is an hour drive.

About half way through the drive, Luke had just finished explaining what happened between him and Sam.

"I'm sorry man." I said once he finished.

"It's fine. " He said.

"Hey we will be there soon wake up Jordan. "

He turned around and chuckled.

I have him a questionable look and he responded, "he sleeps just like Codi"

I turned back when the light turned red and laughed as I saw him sprawled out across the seat and then the next minute, curling up into a ball.

I gave a small chuckle and turned back around.

I'm coming Codi.


Hey awkward ninja turtles.

I am sooo sorry that I missed yesterday's update.

Sorry it's a short chapter too.

Please don't throw potatoes at me.

So it's kind of short but only because this book is coming to an end. :(

But hey this story got over 900 reads that is so awesome!!! you guys rock!!!!

Spoiler alert!!!!

This book ends at a cliff hanger.


Question time!!!!

What would your reaction be if you were Codi and Destery explained his plan to kidnap you?

I would be like, 'sorry Felix! Let's go!! woohoo now I'm freeeee!!!! free fallin!!' and ya know just plain old feel out.

But anyways!!



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