Chapter 7

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Felix's POV

What have I done?

She will hate me now!

I looked up to see Luke run out the door after Codi. I looked back to she a look of pure shock on Sam's face. "I-I better go..." I stuttered out, getting up to leave. "Tell Luke that I will send his onsie back to him, this week."I finished.

Just as I was going to walk out the door I heard Sam shout, "NO! Wait!"

I stopped and turned around to see her running up to me. "W-wh-what?" I said nervous.

"Is it true?" she asked.

"Is what true?" I said sending her a look of pure confusion.

"Do you really like Brooke? Cause when we were on the bus I heard you tell Codi that you didn't, and If you plan on leading her on and lyin-" She rushed out, but I cut her off before she finished.

"No... I don't. I like Codi... alot. I said I liked Brooke cause I don't think that she feels the same way. I have just caused drama this whole time, But don't worry, I will probably move again soon." I said, spilling my feelings to Sam as her eyes studied my face for a hint of something.

"Ok...But, Felix?" She asked after I basically word vomited.

"Codi...S-she, -god I shouldn't say this- but I know that she likes you., and I will hook you 2 up before your dad even thinks about moving again. That... is a promise." she said determined.

I didn't say anything and just walked out the door with my head hung low in embarrassment.

Luke's POV

I ran after Codi into 'Kenny's' and might I say.... dayyyumm this girl can run.

She opened the door and ran to 'our table. '

Every sunday, Codi, Sam, Brooke and I sit at that table.

You guys are probobly like 'What's Kennys?!?'

WELLLL, if you must know! 'Kenny's' is a bakery owned by Dori.

Her husbands name was Kenny but he passed on. So she kept the name and the recipies in memory of her husband.

I walked over and sat next to her all curled up in a ball. I hugged my 'sister'.

We have been friends since 2nd grade, and We are close enough to be siblings. Therefore, I hugged my 'sister'.

"Hey, Didi.... what's wrong sis?" I asked looking down and using the nickname I made up for her in 2nd grade.

"I-I... th-ought h-he l-l-lik-ed m-me. Cause he sai-d o-n th-e bu-s that h-e di-dn't lik-e Broo-ke!!" she stuttered out, raising her voice as she spoke.

"Didi it's ok, No boy is worth cry ing for-except me- and the one who is won't make you cry." I cooed in her ear.

Before you say that we should date...Codi introduced me to Sam and I don't like her like that, and as you can tell neither does she.

I rubbed her back cause I knew It calmed her down. 

She slowly looked up to me and it hurt to see my 'little sister' in tears. 

She hugged me tightly and I wrapped my arms around her to pick her up. 

I started taking the short journey back. I was getting weird looks as I was carrying Codi, who waas still in her 'gorgeous' superman ensemble. 

Once I arrived back at Sam's I saw Felix walking around the corner with his held held low and he was rubbing his eyes every couple seconds.

Oh jeez...What has he done???

Sam's POV 

I heard The door open and Luke come in with a sleeping Codi in his arms. He walked over to the sofa, and placed her down. 

You might think that I would get jelous of how close they are, but I trust Luke and I can see in his eyes that he only see's her as a little sister. She is the youngest out of all of us.

"Babe, Felix.. he lied about liking Brooke" I said standing up and walking over to stand near him.

"I know." he said.

"Here's the new plan...." I said.

Codi's POV

"NO Mrs. Gold fish...I don't know what size bra you wear." I said to the goldfish in the goblin mall in New Turkey, Alabama. Suddenly, she got mad and pushed me off the clooud and into a pit of fire. 

I was awake...Poop on a stick!!!!!

I liked that mall!

But as I was entered the said drama filled world, we call reality I over heard an interesting conversation......


Hey Awkward ninja turtles.

Sorry I haven't been updating. I can't say I have a social life so I am not even going to give you an excuse... Sorry it's not long. The stanley cup playoffs are on!!! I can't miss that.

The picture on the side is Mrs. Goldfish.

Love you Awkward Ninja Turtles


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