Chapter 25

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Luke's POV

The whole plane ride she was on my mind.

I thought about how she took it.

I thought about the spark of something in her eye.

The spark that made me question if I was doing the right thing.

If breaking up with her would really make things easier.

Before I could keep running through my thoughts, the pilot announced over the intercome thing, "We are nearing our destination, please be seated and thank you for flying with us."


I was stuck in my thoughts of Sam but I was also pondering on Codi's disapearence.Felix had said that he remembered.

He explained that Brooke had kidnapped Codi and drugged her and then sent her away. He had said that Brooke later captured all of us and made us think Codi was the bad guy. That was when I remembered. I remembered how sweet kind and funny my little girl was. We are only a couple months apart, but we have been inseaperable since grade school. I thought about how close we are. I got so mad at myself for ever believing that My girl, Codi could ever be capable of doing this damage. She is too innocent. Then again we are about to go bail her out of jail... It doesn't matter. I lover her still.

After the plane landed, we headed over to get the small amount of luggage that we had packed.

I suddenly felt a small tug on the bottom of my shirt.

When I looked down I saw a teary-eyed Jordan, looking up at me with sadness, laced through the eyes that reminded me soo much of Codi.

Ohh Codi. After you get out of jail I am so yelling at you.

I pulled Jordan into a hug and he mumbled about missing her.

I simply agreed and hugged him tightly.

I saw Felix look over and once he saw a crying Jordan he said, " Jordan whats wrong?"

"I miss her" he stated sadly.

"I do too. I have known her forever and I can'tn wait to have her back with us. She was like my sister." I said.

"Guys don't worry. I miss her too but, we will find her." he said sounding like he was trying to convince himself more then us.

We walked out of the airport and onto the street, waiting for a free taxi to show up.

Once one arrived we all ran to it.

"Where can I take you boys?" the driver said wit a strong Swedish accent.

"Jail." we all said simoultainiously.

He gave us this look of pure horror and said nothing more the whole ride.

Once we arrived at the jail. Felix threw a couple dollars throught the money slot thingy and darted to the door with Jordan and I close behind.

"How can I he-"

"We need Codi Connors!" I shouted cutting off the sicurity gaurd.

"Umm I am sorry sir but the only person here with the last name Connors is Heather. but she has been removed from this jail." she said with a pinch of sorrow in her voice.

"Well can you tell us where she is?" Jordan asked impatiently.

"I'm gonna have to see some ID." she said.

I took out my liscence and Felix did the same.

"And who's this little boy?" she said with an american accent, reminding me that Sam is now somewhere in those 50 states.

"I am Jordan Connors, Co- Heather's brother.

"Alright then good enough for me," she said and pulled out a file inspecting it's contents carefully.

"Ahh yes, Miss Connors has been checked into the Gothenburg, Mentall asylum" she said closing the file.

"Wait Asylum?!?!?!" Felix and I shouted shocked.

"Damn boys you scared the crackers outta me!" she shouteed.

"Why is my sister in an asylum? What's an asylum?" Jordan asked.

"That doesn't matter right now! Let's go to the crazy house boys!" Felix shouted and led the way to the door.

We walked back outside and waited for a taxi to show up.

Once we sat down and the driver turned around, we found that it was the same one that we had sat in not oer an hour ago.

"OH god not you boys again. Where too this time? The Asylum?" he said.

"Actually yes." I said.

"Wait what?" he said and and turned around with the same look of horror plastered on his face.

"Well. I'll be damned. I don't know what you boys are gonna do there but you might want to look at checking in." he said after see ing our serious faces.


Hey awkward ninja Turtles!

Sorry for the short update.

I am kinda busy this week...

And next week.

But ya know!

Here is the update... but wait! no update is complete without a question!!

What time is itt??

Thats right......... Question time!!


If I wrote a non fanfic would any of you read it?

The picture on the side I just feel, would be the coolest plane ride ever! sit me on a plane like that give me Netflix and fly me wherever the hell you want!

Welp tht is all for today.


Megz <3

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