Chapter 3

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Codi's POV

As we were walking to first period, I listened as Felix told me about where he came from and why he moved.

"And my dad is always getting a job transfer so I lose my friends." he finished. I saw a small tear drip down his cheek. I stopped and reached over to wipe it off. Leaving my hand on his cheek, I looked into his beautiful, blue eyes that were filled with unsheathed tears. "I know you have probably heard this before but, I promise you, that if you do move again... I will text and video chat you and do everything I can to make sure that you will always have someone there for you." I exclaimed. He put his hand over mine and enter twined our fingers.

"Thank you." he said, while blushing a bit. "no problem. Do you, by any chance... you video games?" I asked nervously.

"Yes!! I love them!!!" he almost shouted.

"Me too! we should play together one day. I bet I would beat you." I said.

"Ya, we'll see about that. I would suggest tonight, but I already told Luke that I would play, 'Beyond Two Souls' with him tonight." Felix said while frowning.

"Here, how about tomorrow morning, you can come to my house for breakfast, then we can go to my game room and play??" I suggested.

"Yeah, I would like that." he said.

We walked into first period and quickly un-winded our hands from each other. I led him to the back of the class and sat in the corner seat.

"I always sit in the back of English, but if you don't want to you can move up..." I said trailing off feeling the heat rise to my cheeks.

"Nono, it's ok I enjoy your company..." He said quickly.

Felix's POV

"I always sit in the back of English, but if you don't want to you can move up..." She said, lightly blushing.

"Nono, it's ok I enjoy your company..." I said quickly...too quickly. I realized what I said and blushed a little bit.

Just after we sat down and changed the subject the teacher, plus a mob of students came into class.

—————————skip le morning so it's now lunch. 1 period left———————-

Sam's POV

When we all gathered at lunch the table was set up differently...






And Luke was on my other side.

Where's Casey??

Brooke's POV

I dumped Casey. I had a new boy on my mind: Felix<3

I only know his name is Felix and he is sexy!!! Oh yeah and he's mine...

I looked over to find him talking to

"Hey Felix." I said flirtatiously.

"H-hi?" he asked and sat closer to Codi.

"You wanna come to my place tomorrow? Since Casey and I broke up... I am gonna be all alone tomorrow. I wanna get to know you more." I explained, trying to guilt him into it.

"U-hhh s-sorry... I'm going to C-Codi's house to play video games." he said and blushed as he looked over at her. But I saw something in his eyes...does he like her!??!??!??

Luke's POV

I know what Brooke is doing and I have to stop her. She tried to do the same to me when she moved here last year...

(A/N you were probs expecting a flash back...Sorry)

I figured it out and asked Sam out before she could get to me. I have to warn Felix...

Felix's POV


The lunch bell rang signaling that it was time to go to class. Last period...Math. At least I have 2 friends (Sam and Luke)and one weirdo(Brooke). She keeps staring at me and trying to act like my girlfriend.

"To solve the algebraic equation, you must isolate the variable by using inverse operations." the teacher, Mr Mill said to the class. I learned all of this in my old school...Schools.

Finally the bell rang and i rushed over to Luke because I was heading to his house after school. "Hey man!" He said and we did that bro hug thing boys do. I turned around and saw Brooke walking over to us so I grabbed Luke's arm and dragged him to the bus. I don't want to sit near that creep. Maybe Codi will already be on the bus...

Codi's POV

I saw Felix get on the bus and Sit by himself. He looked around nervously. I walked up to him and asked to sit next to him.

"Hey, stranger... Is this seat taken?"

"Nope!" He said a little too quickly...

"What's got you so worked up?" I asked

"Um... you know your friend Brooke?" He said slowly. Whats this gotta do with Brooke?

"Ya... do you like her?" i asked, slowly feeling sadness take over me. Of course he likes Brooke!!!She's pretty, and skinny, and smart!!!

"NO!!!!!! Just the opposite, actually!!" she's been watching me all day!!!" He said barely below a scream.

"Shhhhh!" The "Nerds" in the front of the bus said, just as Brooke stepped on to the bus.

"Oh...Hey Felix!! Hey Codi do you mind if I sit with Felix today??" She said. I looked over to Felix and saw him frantically shaking his head.

"Sorry Brooke, I promised Felix I would sit with him." I said.


Heyyy awkward ninja turtles!!!

Sorry it wasn't a long chapter, but how do you like your title??

I will update tomorrow. Pinky promise!!

Bye awkward ninja turtles!!!


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