Chapter 8

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lFelix's POV

I was walking home when I looked behind me and a small blue lamborghini was following me. Panic took over my body and flowed through my veins, as the car pulled up next to me.

The window rolled down and Brooke looked at me with another creepy 'flirty' look. She looked at me and Motioned towards the other side of the car.

Being the idiot I am, I got in.

"Hey, Felix!" her squeaky Voice said in my face -_- .

"Hi. Brooke. Can you just drive me home please?" I asked, not really waiting to talk to any one right now.

"Hmm... NOPE!" She said.

"What? Why not?" I asked as the nerves came back.

"Because you're mine." she said like it was simple as pi. (3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233786783165271201909145648566923460348610454326648213393607260249...)(A/N sorry about that. I had to! Pi is Infinate so u will never really Find an end to it unless you spend like 6 years straight. ok back to the story.)

"What do you mean 'yours'?!" I asked getting scared.

"Well you see Felix, when some thing belongs to some one, it becomes their's. You belong to me, therefore you will stay with me forever." she explained to me as if she was speaking to a child.

"And if I don't?" I asked nervously.

"If you don't then your little friend Codi... will have alittle bit of trouble walking after I'm finished with her." she said.

"HUH?!?!?!?" I shouted. 

-------------------Skip le car ride which consists of pointless attempts to escape the phsyco woman and all that fun chiz---------------------------------

Brooke stepped out of the car and screamed, "Nick! Steven!!! Come out here I need some help with my new toy!!"

Oh god..... I am gonna die. 2 big,boys walked out of the door and hugged Brooke. They all look similar so I am just going to assume that they are siblings and this is Brooke's house. 

She started talking to them and kept pointing over to me. 

Wait... If she can get out then so can I!

I grabbed the handle and opened the door. I charged for the only place I could remember. Sam's house.

I heard loud footsteps from behind me and I looked forward, to scared to look back. I was soon tackled to the ground and flipped onto my stomach.

I looked back and saw Steven sitting on top of me and tying my arms with rope...Where did they get rope????

How is no one seeing this? 

Sorry,Bro. But, I believe that you belong to Brooke now." Nick said. 

All of the sudden there was a searing pain in my head and everything went black. Those bum nuggets knocked me out.

Codi's POV 

After a while of listening to their pointless conversation, I thought it was time to 'wake up' considering the plan I heard.

"Hey guys..." I said fake yawning and sitting up. 

"HI Codi-cakes!" screamed Sam. She is always comes up with the weirdest names...

"Hey Little sis." Luke said.

I waved. "I am gonna walk home." I said.

"You sure??? I can drive you." Luke said. 

"Ya, I'm sure. boiii! Love you guys!"

I walked out the door and started the 27 minute walk home.

------------------Skip to about half way through Le walk (so its been about 13minutes and 30 seconds into le walk-------------------------

It was 9:40pm and I started hearing footsteps following me. 

Suddenly I was takled to the ground, and a stinging sensation went through my head.

every thing got blurry and I realized, I probably should have let Luke drive me. 


I slowly woke up after being thrown to the floor. Ow...

I looked up and saw....................................................Brooke?


Hey awkward ninja turtles,

Sorry that it's not long. I just wanted to give you guys a chapter because I was away this weekend. 

Well in tomorrows chapter something unexpected is going to happen......... any guess's????

No? That's cool...

I'm going to be awkward and chiz SO


Megz <3

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