Chapter 5

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Sam's POV

I looked to see her reaction, expecting to see an excited  face but all I saw was a mixture of shock and pure horror.

"I'm feeling kind of sick...I am just going to go home..." She said getting out of the car and began walking home. Nononono... Think Sam think!!! I got it!!!!!!!

"Ohh we can all just hang out at my place then. It's all good. I already told your mom that you are spending the night. You can't go home because your brother is having a huge sleepover with all of his friends." I word vomited. Am I the only one that does that? Yeah? OK.

"O-Ok I guess, A couplpe movies wouldn't hurt." she said. I saw her shove a note in her back pocket as she came back over. As she was buckling her seatbelt I locked the doors, knowing that she would try to escape. I mean it's Codi...I wouldn't expect any less. She looked at me like a 5 year old who had gotten caught trying to sneak cookies before dinner.

I continued the drive to my house, while putting on Music. I know Codi can't resist it. That is her get away. When she calls me all stressed out about drama there is allways music in the background.

I stopped my car in my drive way and ran inside leaving the door opened for Codi.

I quickly texted Luke;

S-Hey, change of plans, Bring Felix to my house...wear onsies, and bring movies.

L- K.

Really, K?!?! I hate when people do that... You type out this long message and get...K.

Oh well. Time to set up the living room. I grab pillows, and blankets and whatever I need to encourage those 2 to snuggle.

Luke's POV

After 1 1/2 hours of video games with Felix, it was 5:00. I texted Sam that we would be there in 5. 

"Hey! Felix. We are going to head over to Sam's. Her and Codi, invited us over for a movie night." I exclaimed.

"C-cool." He stuttered. I saw him light up slightly when i mentioned Codi.

I ran up stairs and grapped my onsies I had a grey one with Dark red aztec designs, and I got my other one for Felix. It was basically identical accept it was black, white, and red.

--------------------In le smexy car-------------------

"Hey bro, so what do you think about the ladies at our school?" I asked dying for him to admit that he likes Codi.

"Well there is one girl..."

I saw his eyes fill with Nervousness as he said the words that changed my thought's about how tonight was going to go.

"I uh..... I-I like.............BROOKE!"

"wh-at?" I said.

"yeah.... uhh. She's pretty cool" He said. looking un-sure of himself. 

"Uhh ok." I said. I need to tell Sam to not try to set them up.

I pulled up to her house and ranup to the door so I can warn Sam.

Felix's POV

Why did I say that?!?!? I just blew it.I walked up to the door. Not running like Luke. He must be really excited to see his girlfriend. I wonder how long they have been dating? A lot longer then I will be dating Codi after that little stunt I pulled back there. 

I walked in and saw Luke walking into the TV room. I was about to walk after him when batman flew by. 

Literally. Sam was dressed in a Batman onsie with batman socks and a batman beanie.

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